Chapter 07

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~The next day at lunch on the Restaurant~

Rouge/ White Agate P.O.V:

I've never seen Shadow happy like that since Sonic left us years, i'm really happy that he's done with the past, well kinda done he still feel guilty for loving someone else now than Sonic, he feel like he's betraing there love they promise to each other

Dark: " i don't know anymore Rou... Umh i mean Agate, i'm so confuse now, i want to help him and i kinda feel something for him, but i feel i love woudn't that mean that i'm betraing our love and i don't want tat, tell me what should do * look at her with little sadness in his eyes*"

Agate: " do as i told you, follow your hear, if you feel that this preson  is the one than go, don't lose your chance, don't think that you betray him at all,tat remind me about this rumer said that even after death they can see us, do you really think that he want to see like this, sad and alone he'll never see you like this"

Dark: "that if he still love me *make a sad face*, i hurt him so much i shoudn't do it because of me he's gone * trease fall a little* i was a terrible person for him, what if i love him and i hurt him like i did before, what if i can't control myself again, I can't even trust myself for making a new relationship, *make a long sigh* guess I am destined to lose all the person I love, like Maria and Sonic, maybe life doesn't want my heart to love again, it prefers to see me suffurring by sended me this person, honestly I deserve it after all that I did i don't deserve the right to love, I thought if i loved Sonic I could change but I was wrong, I'm not a good person, I'm a monster, * tearse fall more and more*

Agate: " oh no here we go again,i hate seeing him like this, it's killing me, i have to do something  but what ?"

I didn't know what to do i want to say something until the Tree kids show up, Shadow quickly wipe his tears, clear his voice and take a deep breath before making his fake happy face,  

Chaos: " Hello Mr. Dark Night, Hello Miss White Agate"

Dark: " hey there kids what are doing here !"

Flash: " well Mr. Dark we here cuz we're hungry * make a big smile *

Lumos: " * look at flash on unexpression face* you always hungry, you just already eat 2 tacos and a pakage of marshallow only for you before, i'm still surprise that you haven't had any stroke with all that cholesterol or even diabetes with all that sugar you're eating all day, and also how's that possible that you aren't overweight with all "

Flash: " weeeelll for your information Dr. Lumos The Wolf,  ican feed my stomac more food tat you can imagine and also i super energitic i never get tired and nerver get sick, beside my body and I, have a gentleman's contract, so no matter wat what happen i'm still manage to stay all in form"

This little kid's really funny  i really  try to hold my laugh and i was close to crack when Choas ask me if i told Dark Aka Shadow about the picnic this weekend which i totally forgot , Dark ask me about it and Choas reply to him that his grandparent decide to go on the picnic tomorrow on the mountain and that they invite us and his mom will be there, in the beginning he look like he'll decline it but after looking at Choas and after he begging for him to come and tell him that they are gonna have a lot of fun and whit the help of his friends he finally accepted, Choas and his friends were so happy to hear and than his grandmother came with our orders and the kids orders as the sat with us at our table, we pass most of our time chatting and jokking, specially  Flash whit all his weird jokes, i can see Shadow and Choas chatting and laughing too, this kid really change him a lot, it's been so long since i see him like that i'll do my possible to make Shadow and is mom together, they are the only person who can help Shadow to cross the past

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