Chapter 52

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~Few Days Later In The Early Morning At The Castel~

Choas P.O.V:

I can't believe that today is the day, i'm helping dad with his outfit with my Grandpa and The Choatix Team, i give the little black box to my dad andonce open he put this brooch close to the top of his little cape with some feather, it make dad really handsome like that, dad at little nervouse but also "excited, dad still don't know about mom outfit so let say that he can wait to see him.

Lumos and Flash enter to the room and call me because  my GrandMa Queen want us to join her, Problably because we have to wear our Tuxedo or those Prince Outfit that she maybe brough us, i told dad that i'm going to see grandma before leaving the room, and as we arrive to room Grandma were waiting for us to come out of the room than we all enter, the wedding will strat pretty soon in the begining of th afternoon

After few moments as my two grandmothers help us with the tuxedos and Lumos got a blck one, Flash was in dark blue and mine was white, they both were already wearring thier tuxedo  watching from the window the villagers coming to the castle passing by the new bridge, i can heard them from here it's getting more exciting now, i was now ready to go but before i left the room, i take a three Cupid Orchid and put it on my pocket like it a brooch like dad have and give two to Flash and Lumos .

My friend and Grandmothers  follow me to where my mom room as we entre there was  Aunt Amy , Aunt Sally and Aunt Sonia,all here with mom close to be ready, My Aunts where making up my mom with some some light make over and placing the Cupid Orchid crown and the bride veil on his head, he was ready but we still have few hours before the ceremony, mom keep looking at himself at the mirror smilling ecatly how i see it in my dream, it's coming true

~Few Hours Later At The Ceremony Room ~

Shadow P.O.V:

Everyone were here sitting on thier place waiting for the ceremony to being, i was already there waiting with Knuckles who's the one that will gonna prenouns us married since he's the Master Emerauld gardian, and the Master Emerauld were behind him instead of the white tree from before it's a tradition on the echidnas.

Rouge and Omega will be my witness of marriage, and guess who hold the small bucket of flowers and will though it on he ground when Sonic will arrive, it's not the kids since they'll hold his veil that what i heard from Rouge and Knuckles conversation earlier. i bet that you still don't know who? i won't make you wait for long, they're two small robots join our G.U.N Crew and became my two personals right hands. 

It's Orbot and Cubots of course you didn't see that coming, After what they did for my son and Sonic back there i decide to keep both of them and they are officielly my Personal G.U.N Right Hands, they were so hhappy to be here if they have tearse they'll cry right now, but anyway the both fly out of the room immediatly, i look back to the guests all the villagers were here, Humans and Mobian, all our friends The old General and even the president the Royal Family and the grandmother, all well dressing 

Suddendly the musician start to play some classic song, it mean it time i can't wait anymore, i'm too nervouse and too excited to see him i just want him come here now i just can wait anymore i saw both of of Cubot and Orbot holdind the bascket ofroses petals thouring on the grounds and my son walking behiind them holding a little red pillow with our alliance rings, than everyone turn thier face waiting for him, come on Sonic I want To see you my heart is dying to see you

Sonic P.O.V: 

Here i am at the entre of the ceremony room shaking and nervouse, what would Shadow think of the outfit? was it a good idea to wears it ? what kind of question is this My son dream about our wedding with this outfit i can't change it now and i won't even do it why am i thinking like this, it's my wedding day i can miss it, i'm so nervouse 

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