Chapter 50

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~ The Next Day At The Abodonned Castle~

Choas P.O.V:

As my mom promised we all go to the old abadonned castle and we stay here for a picnic, we're inside the castle where mom and dad where before, it reall a beautiful view we talk and laugh and play some games but than at the middle day Mom and i we were reading a book from grandma old libary speaking about the story about this castle for like a hour and half but then mom notice Dad laying down and sleeping, i told mom that we maybe should wake up dad he agree and take his Ukulele, he say that he know a song that he use to sing it everytime he wanted to wake him up from his nap 

Dad slowly open his eyes and strenght his arms as he finally wake up, sitting back in his place smilling at us, mom keep playing and singing other songs all the time that sometime Dad and i join him too.

After serval songs mom and dad where talking about the wedding, it's reall hard to hold my excitement, Mom didn't know what he will wear for the wedding day, a dress or a tuxedoand also where,i sudddenly remember my dream where i saw mom with a beautiful mix of tuxedo and dress and the castle the same castle that we're now, but in my dream it look ike a real castle not this one, 

I continue to read the book while they keep talking and there something attract my attention, it's a image  of a white tree, i ask my parent if we can go find it but mom and dad already know where is it which make more easier now, they both accept to take me there.

After a half hour of walking we arrive there and the place look so amazing just like we see in this book, there this white tree in the middle of lost and forgoten castle i run toward to the tree as my parents follow me, they start to tell me the story as i  look and touch the tree, i can feel something weird inside the tree, i rest my ear on it and after fes seconds i heard it it was a heartbeat, i remove head quikly but then i put it hearring not one but two heartbeat 

Looking back at the images of book that i read it earlier where there a princess lady wearring a wedding dress with a Cupid's Orchid than to the tree having the same flower i realise that the tree was the princess, i'm not really if i could mom and dad about it but i thought about this new trick that Aunt Tikal teach me, i know if for growing plant but what if i do the same think but instead of growing her i make her back 

Sonic P.O.V:

It's been few minutes that Choas was standing close to the tree, i think he like it but he suddenly start to humming a music that make the tree glow harder,  the same think happen the last me and Shadow came here but then as it glow the tree change form slowly transforming to a kind of shap a Human Shape as her leaf fly away tranforming to thousand of butterflies it been ony few sminutes that it completle tranform to a beautiful princess the same one on the book 

I can't really describ her, she have a beautiful light skin color, a pink rose lipsticksome beautifum purple eyes and a long brown hair and a ashinning white wedding dress with a half-long pair of white glove and white veil, just like they describe her on the book

I can't really describ her, she have a beautiful light skin color, a pink rose lipsticksome beautifum purple eyes and a long brown hair and a ashinning white wedding dress with a half-long pair of white glove and white veil, just like they describ...

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