Chapter 49

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~Three Weeks Later At The Temple~

Tikal P.O.V: 

It's a beautiful day, the sun is bright, the sky is blue one the rarest blue that the sky never wear it before none of clouds are in sight and a fresh carressing all sort of live here, it sure it's a beautiful day, all the littles chaos enjoying the fresh water of thier little waterfall, i heard some smals footsteps and then sitting close to me close of the edge on the little waterfall, it was the little Choas, i guess he came here to enjoy or play with the little chaos 

Choas: " hey Aunt Tikal, can i ask you something?"

Tikal: " of course Choas, what do you need? *smile*"

Choas: " well i was wondering that if i'm a..... i mean like everyone say a living Chaos Emerauld, and i have super power that i can't control it yet, did my power will like one day fade away?"

Tikal: " Fade away!?"

Choas: " yeah!, like deseappear forever, could that thing happen?"

Tikal: " well for my knowledge of choas power, they don't fade away at all but they just like sleeping in you, the choas energy never desappear... but what do you ask me this question?"

Choas: " because few days ago i keep having those dreams when we were all in the speace and this Dr.Eggman useing me like a battery for his machine, the village and my grand parent house completly destroy without forgetting  my friend Lumos that he was close to die, so if i didn't have this power none of this will ever happen right!, i feel like i'm some kind source of all the probleme, everyone are thirsty for power and will do anything to have it even if it's mean to hurt or maybe....kill  all the people that important to me, i don't want to tell my mom nor my dad nor because i didn't want to ruine thier mood and also everything is getting better now i need to say that...... i'm afraid from the future * feel sad*"

Tikal: " * Pat his back * Choas, i understand what you feel, i was just like you when i was a little girl, i was afraid from futur and specially that i wasn't like the other echidnas"

Choas: " not like the other echidnas? what do you mean? * look at her confusing*"

Tikal: " well first i was the one of the only girl of my village, and also i wasn't strong like them at all, they all know as choas warrior but not me, i was just simple and weak one, they try everything to protect me from everthing i wasn't allowed to go without someone with me, and when there is a fight i'm always hidden somewhere, as a girl i'm always in danger and anybody who against our my tibu will use me to have anything they want, i was afraid from the future i was thinking that it because of me that most of the problem came and that if i go somewhere far or if i was a boy they wouldn't have any problem"

Choas: " and then what happen?"

Tikal: " well one day i wanted to prove myself that i could also help them that i also could , the little choas and i stop a biggest disaster that could destroy the whole world, and they finally accepte me i also discover that i got some power too, i learn how to use it and now i know how to use it and i help people. either way we both are diffrence you affraid of having power and me afraid for not being like the other echidnas but we both were afraid from losing everything that important to us, but that doeant mean that you should give up like that, right * look at him and smile*"

Choas: " * smile at her back* yeah, you right but... i don't even understand why me? why from all the kids of the world is have to be me?"

Tikal: " you're a very special kid Choas, if the live choose you is for a reason, beside your parent a the greatest legend of the world so of course you gonna be special, don't be afraid for having power like this, try to learn how to control it and use it for the good of the world yu're very a special kid and the world will need you you gonna do extraordinary thing too, so don't be afraid just think what you've done recently"

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