Chapter 13

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~The next morning~

Shadow/ Dark Night P.O.V:

There is an ancient French proverb that says "The future belongs to those who get up early", well for me i was already in the forest walking and thinking for some could be a  inspiration to help me for the song, i decide to go to the abandoned castle maybe i could find something

I decide to walk instand of teleporting, the forest is so quite and calm only some little animals and the breath of the wind could be hear it's peaceful here i finally arrive to the enter of the cave and slid inside than i just sit down for a bit taking a little break before i continue, i look around me remebering what Nexus told me about this place. 

It must be really painful for him, giving birth here alone where the danger is in every corner, something caught my attention ther was a piece of red tissue stock under the rock, i took it and rub it between my fingers, the quality of the tissue is familiar to me, the fabric had a smell that is so familiar I can't stop smelling it, it makes me think a lot about .... Sonic

No, i'm done with past i've to moving forward no more tears no more pain, the future's waiting for me, i'm writting a new chapter of my live and nothing will stop me, i put the fabric on my pocket and continue my way to the castle

~1 hour later~

Here i'm in the castle again sitting close to the white tree thinking peacefully with my tablet writing my thoughts, i can't stop thinking about the piece of the fabric that i found in the cave  i hold it on my hand thighly not knowing i close my eyes and lay down just remembering when me and Nexus were here just some days ago, just thinking of him make me smile.

I'm really excited for the party i'll finally tell him who i'm really, but at the same time i'm really scared, what if he won't accept me, or he'll be affraid of me, i'm pretty sure that he know about my story with Sonic, if he discover who i'm he'll run away with his son and i won't see them seeing them ever again, or worst i could make their live in danger, Those ideas won't stop spinning on my head it's start to hurt a little then the fear the dark thought slowly ravage my mind, those horrible memories of the accident still come back everytime. 

"* raise up and yell* No that's enough i'm not letting those toughts cosume me again, i'm gonna to face my fears and tell him everything, i don't care what gonna happen next i'll tell him the truth and win this battle"

I feel away better now after this yell all what in my heart, i sit back close the tree again thinking of what i said now, " Face My Fears" i keep repeat this for more than 10 time slowy thinking about the music earlier it give me a idea, i know how i'll name my song all i need now is some words 

~Meanwhile at hostel~

Rouge/ White Agate P.O.V:

I didn't wake up really early  Today because of Shadow, yesterday i told him about the party in the village he didn't like the idea he also refuse to go, i keep try to convince him to come but he just didn't want to, when i tell that Nexus will be there and Chaos really want him to come this party night, he just shut and went to sleep and now he's not here not leaving a note, I don't know what is he doing but I feel that he'll do something that we'll regret after 

After i take a little bath and my breakfast i went to the fountain to see the kids but i only saw Mr Nexus sitting with some other kids of the village sitting on the fountain singing some song and the kids dance well more they try to dance, that's so funny and adorable too, i sit closer to him while he's singing.

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