Chapter 33

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Shadow/ Dark Night P.O.V

We keep running as the neckless start to glow more and more which mean getting closer, just few minute and we arrive to the experiance room and look around of him but he wasn't there, did neckless work, while he looking around i decide to use my choas power to try to find his energy somewhere, the neckless glow again but very strong, not  good the necklase has detect my chaos power

Nexus came to me chock not understanding what happen but the neckless fly out my hands and a Pink smoky line connect to my heart,  now Nexus will know that i've choas energy but something else happen and surprise me that Nexus also has this Pink Smoky line connect to his heart, what that mean ? did he has chaos enery too?, i thought that only his boyfriend have this ?

The neckless start to glow until it transform to something like a little shinny Pink Light Ball and fly above the room  projecting Choas body on the ths glassce bed, more like a coffin of glass, i don't what that mean but the neckless fly away out the room so as we did following it 

this little light ball guide us to the out side of the center of the station more like the hangar or something like, it shine more and more  we close

After runnig and escaping the Eggbots for a hour we arrive to the hangar, once the door open Eggman was on the other side loading his ship with some cargo but also weapons and a guard robot, I'm sure he knows that we're here, Choas was with him on this moving bed with a glasse cover and alot of machine around him, i can't tell what they are but it's seem like they calculate his choas energy or something 

Nexus couldn't wait anymore he wanted to run out there but i grab his hands to stop him before  we go slowly hidding ourself from anyone on the hungar to anything that keep us hide until we arrive to the EggShip, Choas was on another shipwith Eggman and he's 2 robots, but we didn't see this Ruby Phantom anywhere, that doesn't matter there were another Ship still fill up with the cargo, it hit me idea

We sneak close to the boxes and hide inside together on one of those boxe and waith until they embarked in the Ship which didn't took so long, they start to move the box we in, i see and feel that Nexus is  so strees about it, he stat to shiving and sweatting i guess that he don't like the small space, not surprising since he live in the middle of the forest and free, i held him close to me petting his short quills as i strart to purr, that always Sonic when he was stress or scared,and it look like it work, he start to purr back and hugging me tightly as he nuzzle on my chest furr

He's been like that for all the way until we arrive which It only took  15 min, as they put thier cargo we sneak out the of here try to find him and lucky they past close to us and they didn't notice us well only orbot who distrac Eggman by making hi say he's own plan, and Cubot also help us to hide under Choas's flotting bed as we keep listening 

Apparently Eggman couldn't remove his choas energy out of him so he'll use Chaos as a Choas Emerauld  Energy by putting him at the heart of his machine he called "Biobliterator", A machine that transform any organic live to robots as he can control them with Choas Energy,  i've to stop him before it too late.

First of all i have to Choas get out here, send both of Nexus and Choas on earth and than i destroy this place, easy plan right, let's hope that will work.

He suddenly stop and look at his dashboard of his Eggmobile and recive a call from the red Jackal? Ruby Phantom

Ruby Phantom: " all the staton is safe there no organic live in the station only the prisonner that you ask for the fly to the Biobliterator, Dr Eggman"

Dr.Eggman: "well in that, Take the next ship and join us with the prisonner, i've got a mission, oh by the way don't forget to bring our little purple guess will ya, i want to see the hopeless in his eyes, and the scream of his despair as this willl be the sound for my glory day"

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