Chapter 42

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~The Next Morning~

Choas P.O.V:

I wake up in a good mood jump out of the tent in hurry than i run to my parent who were sitting on one of log talking as they drink coffee and hug them from behind and mom grab me and put me in his laps as he start to ticklish me like always, than dad join us as we fell on the ground with him tickling both of me and mom but we attack dad too, what a good way to start a day.

After some minutes mom and dad sit back on thier place and tell to sit between them because they have something  important to tell me, i don't why but i feel about the way they say it like something big they gonna tell me, i see how mom feel nervouse and stress too, i hope they not gonna to saperate or something like, everything but not that i can deal with everything but not that

Shadow: " Choas we have something important to tell you"

Choas: " are you two not love in each other anymore? are you gonna to seperated again?* panic a little*"

Sonic and Shadow: " What !!!!? * look at each other  than to Choas* no of corse not * smile to rassur him*"

Chaos: " ouf * sigh of releave* there a minute i thought that you two want to be together anymore, since is not the occassion than it's okay right?"

Sonic: " * smile and pet his head* Choas do you remember when we're at the village sitting at the fountain and you ask me about this song * play some note on his Ukulele and sing a little*"

Chaos: " oh yeah i remember that song but what about it ?"

Sonic: " well this song, is pretty important song for me ,some people i kwon in the past we wrote this song together, we're in the van living adventure...."

Choas: " Oh Yeah you tell me about a van once.... Is that the same van that you talking about about?"

Sonic: "  yeah .. it is....  Yesterday you Dad and I have a little conversation and......* sigh* let's i.... * paic a little* what i mean is.....i finally remember apart of me that i use to be,  i remember who i was and who i am too"

Choas: " Mom ithis is getting a little weird , is that the "Somthing Important" you wanted to say * confuse *"

Sonic: "* take a deep breath as ghe still stress* Choas.... we're not like everyone, we're not like other family the prove is your Dad is a Ultimate Life Form and i'm know as a super hero and...... Yes there is something else... I'm also .... Let's i'm..."

Shadow: " Your Mom is a Prince"

Sonic: "... whath! Shadow!!"

Shadow: ".... and you are a part of a royal family"

Choas: " * eyes and mouth widely open*  I'AM WHAAAAAT??????"

I can't believe what i'am hearing , my mom wasn't just a hero but also a prince, I'm apart of a  royal family too, what is going on here!?, first my mom and dad disguse them self, then both of y parent are the greatest hero and my dad is ultimate life form, and now my mom is a prince andd i'm from a royal family.

I saw my mom worry and nervouse too i guess i'w scaring him, i just tell them that i need a minute and i walk a little far from my parents, i lay down and look at the sky and thinking about it, who's possible that my mom could be a prince? and why mom decide to be a hero? Was ly real grandma know about me? or my uncle and aunt? did something happen between mom aand my...Grandmother, The queen?, why did he left them and run away?  did they argue? like what happen between him and dad? i don't really know how or what to feel, if he did that it's for a reason, right!?

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