Chapter 41

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~Meanwhile in the forest~

Chaos P.O.V:

It's still hard to believe that my parent were the greatest super hero of the history, it's so weird but also so cool, i can't wait to come back to the village and tell them about my first adventure on the space and my parents, they won't believe me, speaking of them i hope they're okay, i miss grandma and grandpa so much and my friend too

We keep walking for three day now and Dad, it's still weird for me to say , he bring all the stuff we need from the abandoned campfire place holding is his back while me and mom we're walking, when i feel a little tired mom will hold me in his back, i wonder how mom and dad still not tired after walking 3 days.

While we're at the campfire earlier Dad made me a ukulele from some wood and the few s replacesing string  for the guitar, i was so happy i'll always  and imeant it always play with Ukulele, everyday i'll play some song and writte new song too, i keep singing and play with it all the road and Mom and Dad ing with me too

After walking for some hours dad Found a beautiful plains where we can finally see the shinny sun and the blue sky and a beautiful smol stream and big montagne from far, Dad say that we should stop and camp here since is gonna dark pretty soon, so we choose a plain and camp, Dad to try restore the commicator while me and mom  prepare the camp fire, as Mom place the tent i bring some woods and some rock for the fire.

Mom was still making the tent when i went to dad and sit closer to him and watch him working, he smile and pet my head, i look at mom than my dad and i notice that non of my mom or my dad have a ring on thier hands, usally parent wear a rings to prouve that they are together, since Mom and Dad love each other why they don't have one?

Chaos: "hey dad can i ask you something?"

Shadow: " sure son what is it?"

Choas: " well i was wondering, why aren't you wearing a ring?"

Shadow: " uuuh... wait what? A ring?"

Choas: " yeah, like most parent wear, Lumos parent wear one and also Flash's Mom wear one too even if his father isn't here, Lumos tell me that if two people love each other they gift a ring, and since you love mom why don't you two wear one?"

Shadow: " oh that ring....well.....You see that ring is a alliance ring, and you're right about those ring but it only on the weeding day that both of the married couple wear each other the ring, before that one, they have to propose the other first if they want to stay with them and they offer them another ring we call it the engagement ring, and well i...."

Choas: "Well you....?"

Shadow: " * sigh* ok listen , i kinda.. No i planed about that...and "


Shadow: " SHHHHH!!!!! * shush his son *"

Sonic: " Shadow ? Is everything alright? * look at shadow a little far from them as he finnish making the tent* "

Shadow: " yeah! yeah! everything is just fine * panic a little* "

Sonic: " well okay, The dinner will be ready in a hour * prepare the dinner* "

Shadow: " * smile nevously and sigh of releave once Sonic turn his attention* we could be caught"

Choas: " so it's a yes ? or a No?"

Shadow: " * blush as he look at Sonic and he smile* yeah! i want to, but i want to make it special and unique too,  and i don't know how?"

I'm so happy to heard that but Dad is right it has to be very unique and special, buthow we keep thinking, until i got a idea, i remember the day that Dad sbeing this Mystery Guest, mom was like completly hypnotizes, so what if Dad make a song to propose Mom it and infont everybody w know or in front the whole  village, or to a speacial place where wil be just mom and dad with a deliciouse Picnic or something like that and propose

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