Chapter 31

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~In The Control Room At G.U.N HQ~

Dark Night /Shadow P.O.V:

We arrive just in time, Tails say that the video message was sended from the Deathegg, Tails manage to restore the frequency and image of the video message, it was Nexus how sended this message, i was so happy to see him still alive, but his body was full brustie and dust, his neck was the worst, he was wearing a  metal collar and we can see  a lot of burns along his neck, it problably came from machine

He start to talk about the situation on the ship and also a plan to stop Eggman and his devilsh plan. 

The two robot Orbot and Cubot will sabotage the machine to distract him while they will open access for us to pass, will be sperated on two team one will go to the experiance room and save Choas and the other will go the prison and will we get them out of here, but gonna stay at this station i still have unfinish bussnise with Eggman. i won't get out the station until i got my revenge on Sonic and my child.

Nexus hear something that make him hide the communicator, we couldn't see him but we stil could hear him and a strange famillar voice.

Ruby Phantom : " well well talking to yourself now, you must be very loney here * smirk*"

Nexus:" you * growl and run to the bar of his cell and face him* where's my son ? What did you do to him?, Where is he? "

Ruby Phantom : " your son still alive..... for now *smirk grab him by his chin* you know, it's too bad that i'll have to kill you soon, you're really the prettiest think i ever seen, i could ask Dr.Eggman to keep you alive just for more hours so i can have you all for myself * smirk more and put his hands on his hips to pull him closer*"

Nexus: " don't touch me *try push him away* leave me alone * tearse roll*"

Ruby Phantom :" if i was you i wouldn't do that, your son still with us, remember ~ * grab him closer*"

Nexus:" pl-please s-stop * panic as he keep puching him*"

Ruby Phantom :"  not before i make you scearm, i was waiting this for so long and you living been have your on way to have Fun~ and i wanted to try it too and here you are just perfect as i wanted~* notice the comunicator hided under  he pillow* well well well, what do we have here* use his and teleporte to to his hands* "

Nexus:" No stop give me this back  *try to take it back*"

Ruby Phantom :"  oh my, you manage to take a comunicator i wonder how, but is great that you did because i start to get bored here, * grab his chin again and face the camera* but you know i could always past some with you * kiss his cheek* "

Nexus:" leave me alone you creep * free himself from him as he fall on the ground and wipe his cheeks* "

Ruby Phantom : "as for you all, *face the camera* try to not be late or else *turn to cameras toward Nexus laying on the ground trembling of fear* i may not hold myself any longer * chuckles as  he look at Nexus and lick his lips*i guess you got the ideas, if you want him in still in one piece you better hurry * smirk and than laugh devilishly as Nexus walk back and touch the wall behind him still tembling of fear, cut the conversation*"

My blood boil the moment he touch him and when he kiss it that make me want murdere him, if he touch one of his or Choas thorn again, i'll kill him with both of my cold and deadly hands, no one hurt or touch them as long i'm alive.

I try to calm down but it was impossible,  can't stop seein the image of him hopeless, terrify, alon, hurt, cold, abadonned, i can't let that happen not even on my deady body, i made i promise that i'll protect them and i'm not plannig to break it, i'll save them and bring them back save, i couldnt save Maria or either Sonic and child but i could alway save them, this is excatly what he will do.

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