Chapter 20

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~The Next Day Morning~

Shadow/Dark Night P.O.V:

Talking to Tails yesterday really did me feel better, over the past years he saw me as if I was a criminal, he avoided me every time I saw him and he ignored me as if I did not excite, and sometimes when I tried to establish a conversation with him, he repelling me sometimes it even gets violent, i don't  really blame him Sonic was everything for him an i took it.

I now leaving the hostel with Rouge to the fountaine the kids are already there dancing and singing like the usal, seeing them just warm my heart but learning that  "Metal Sonic" is somewhere not so far from this island stress me out, also Eggman must be somewhere he'll problably discover about Choas, and if he do he'll destrory the world to have him, i won't let that happen, he'll nerver get them 

Chaos run and jump on me, i catch him before he fall, that the first time he do that even Rouge notice that, he also hug me tighly i don't really understand why he do this  but it feel good like all my worries just vanish 

Dark Night:" hey..hey little buddy * smile* what's that for ?" 

Choas:" i'm just so super happy today"

White Agate:" oh might you share your happiness with us * smile and pet his head*"

Choas:" there accutly two good news, first Mom tell me that Mr. Dark Night  is goona to stay here in our village soon"

White Agate:" wait What!!? * surprise *"

Choas:" didn't he tell ya? he gonna to stay with us in the village, we going to help himto find a house, Lumos Mother is real estate agency, she is just preparing some files for the visit next week"

Dark Night:" Next Week!!!! * surprise tone and block*"

Choas:" yeah! we thought that you might be bussy with your work, so we wanted to help you"

Flash:" are you okay Mister? you look like you saw a gost or something"

Dark Night:"* back to the reality* ye-yeah i'm fine, i just surprise that..... "

Choas:" well Mom and i were so happy to hear that you gonna stay, so i wanted to help you since that Lumos Mother's a real estate angency and she know a lot of cool house here, so it could be easy for you to choose one"

Flash:" Faster is Better"

White Agate:" okay so what's the second good news?* look at Dark and chuckles*"

Flash:" tonight is the night of the golden moon !!!, everyone will go to the hill of "La Rose Blanche", his grandfather knows a very special and unique place even higher than the hill, we will be able to see the golden moon closer"

Dark Night:" The Golden Moon?"

Lumos:" it is one of the rarest natural phenomenon that the planet is known, according to one of the ancient legend, it sybolims the birth of a new era or a new power or even a new guardian, and that happens every 1000 years, it say that all the planets of our galaxy will be aligned towards of our plant, and the sun'll shines 10 time more than usual, that's why the moon will change color"

Flash:" so are you coming with tonight?, his gradparent invite all of us and beside he hate taking No as a reponse"

White Agate:" well of course, we'll * smile*"

While they're talking i saw The Old Lady from the  Flower WorkShop putting some new flowers that i ever seen and ithere one that attract my attention, it's a rose with purple color the same as Nexus Fur color, while Rouge distrac the kids i went there to the Old Lady

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