Chapter 34

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Choas P.O.V:

I feel a little weird, my body feel way heavy than usual, my head is spinning and my won't open i can heard this weird sound, it was  really creepy sound that the same sound i use to hear at the experiance room earlier, i hate this soud i just want to wake up from this nightmare , why i can't open my eyes

The sound slowly vanish and eyes were less heavy I slowly open my eyes my vision was blurry from.... tears? Why an i crying??? Why am i infront space ? And more important Why there is a floting tube on the space ??? Wait those hands aren't mine ? they are.... Mr. Dark Night hands!!!!,

 wait something is completly wronrg,  i try to move but i couldn't i saw his reflexion on the glasse an i notice were Pink, wait what is going on ? Am I watching what he see through his eyes...?, is that some kind new power? I'VE SUPER POWER!!!!

Dark Night: " i'm sorry Nexus *sniff* i'm so sorry * tears roll* i'm promise to myself that i'm gonna to protect you two, but i couldn't save you * cry *" 

Mom? is that my mom is inside the tube? No it can't be ? i won't blia that i try to move but i couldn't,  suddenly i saw tube explode and Mr. Dark Night's vision getting more blurry as he cry out my mom name, everything went dark again as the voice of Mr. Danight Night getting further

I can't believe it, this isn't true, that is not my mom it's can't be him, i refuse to believe on that, this can't be happening, i try to open my eyes again but they still heavy, i can feel tears roling on my cheeks, i manage to open it again but  this time i wasn't me again or him but my mom, i saw his reflexion on the tube glass

Mr. Dark Night was infont of me i mean him, putting his hands on the glass watching him as tears still rolling, i don't understand he was at the tis window what is he doing here ? that doesn't make any sens, as he raise up something suddenly stabe him from behind something like red sword, i heard my mom crying his name out loud

The sword move out his chest as he put one of his hands on his chest where he being stab, He eyes close as he tears still rolling on his cheeks saying this three word " I'm sorry Nexus" and than fall down completly lifeless, i see mom reflexion completly shock, hopeless and despaire as i heard my mom crying his name out loud again and puchingb the tube glass

The red jackal slowly approche to my mom, i can feel my mom heartbeat like it was mine, beating so fast, shivering of fear and more tears roll on his cheeks a he's vision went blurry he's back stack on the tube glass from fear, i can feel everything like it was me, mom close his eyes again as he say those word " Dark, Choas i'm so sorry"

Once again i couldn't open them, and again my body feel heavy again, but way heavy than usual, like i was a big rock or something like that, then again my open and this time i wasn't mom or Mr. Dark Night, i was this evil fat man, this Dr.eggman was watching both of my mom and Mr. Dark Night sufferring i can feel him smilling like it was my smile and i hated

I notice that  He was aimed Mr. Dark Night with his fIotting thing, have to do something but what, i try to stop him but nothing, so i conclude that if i can see through the eyes the person i can control them i just have to consentrate or imagine that i'm controling him, that could work 

I start to imagining something that could help me to controling him like.... Like a puppet of course, i imagine a pupet who look excately like him and some fine threads hanging on the puppet on his weird flotting machine and  it's work i can even speak through him well with his ugly voice but that okay since i can communicate them that okay

Now that i can control him i change the the trajectory of its laser beam towards the red jackal and shoot him, this laser was so strong that it brock a part his Ruby gem and the fake Mr. Dark Night suddenly disapear in many red cube floting everywhere, i accidently click on a button and free my mom from this tube, he didn't understand what's going on but he did jump out of it 

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