Chapter 25

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Dark Night/ Shadow P.O.V:

Scream, tears, cries, sound of thousand footsteps escaping the village the smell of flames that engulfs the village poisons the villagers, the despair and the terror present in each villager.

I have already known this feeling, and I have known the worst, this image of the village drowned in the flame of hell, awakening on me terrible memories but also fears that I had never felt before excepted that day, but I don't have time for that, time is running out we have to save these villagers, I don't want to relive the same experience that happen 12 years ago. 

I told Rouge to go on and me on the right, i saw some villager and small team of firefighter trying there best to put out the fire, i use my Rocket Shoes and slid over te village and try to get all the people out the village as did Rouge, two couple try to escape the fire but they are block so with the help of the firefighter to control the fire Me and Rouge manage to save them.

The two couple were Lumos and Flash Parent who there mothers were freak out when they didn't find their sons anywhere, i went back there to find them when i suddendly a familar sound, a sound of metal footsetp coming closer towards us, coming out and showing themself out of the flames wall, revealing to be the robotic army of the one and only mad and Machiavellian scientist, Dr. Robotnic EggMan

This is bad, no This is horrible if he's here that problably for Choas, he problably knew about it and he come here to take them, i won't let him take them away from me not again, i faild in the past but i won't fail now i've to back to there home and protect them, but when i was about leave the village a little army of his robot surronud me and block my way.

I didn't  want to use my Choas Blast or Dr will discover that i am here, i should Thank Tails to send me this swingshot so i can use it as weapon , i grab one of them and turn around myself hitting the other with it and i keep attacking them one by with it but they are getting more numerous not giving me any chance to leave 

Flash P.O.V: 

I feel my head spinning and my throat irritated by flame mist, it's blurry to see what's going on and my body move i could feel a rising heat will burn my fur, all i see is Lumos laying on the ground in front of me with a White Rose with some  thing on it as our hands are touching,i can't remember what just happend everything went too fast.

In few seconds i slowly start to move and i was able to push a rock that keeps me from freeing myself and than as the pain is slowling my move i reseach to Lumos who was in terrible condition i grab him close to me as itry to wake up him, he wasn't moving and there were no sign of live i start to panic i call him many time but no answer, i start to shaking him and keep calling him but nothing, My eyes watering and tearse roll on my cheek, i was crying so loud as i call for help 

I heard some large and heavy footstep coming out from the fwall flames toward us, i was so scared that i was paralize all i did is just pulling Lumos closer to me and protect him with my body closing my eyes, wishing that will be fast, I'm sorry Lumos i wasn't strong enough for you, i'm sorry, now i know how blind i was

This robot was ready to shot both of us I feel the time stop and only my heart was beatting hard and slowly, i hold him with all my strenght with my tears rolling, this is it , this is how our ive end

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