Chapter 32

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~Meanwhile with Shadow~

Shadow/ Dark Night P.O.V:

Everything sticky like the plan was to be, the Two Robots open to us and deactived to secuirity systeme, Knuckles and Rouge went to the experience room while i take the the way of the jail room, where Nexus's prisoner, Tails guild each one of us the way, i take the right as they take the left

After successfully escape or more destroy the robots guards and arrive ther, there was more than hundred cell in each wall i call him many time but he didn't response, maybe he was just tired or pass out, i swear to Choas if he touch one of his throne i'll make him regret the second that Dr Create him

It took only few minutes to check out every single cell, but he wasn't here , did Eggman take him to somewhere else? maybe there more than one jail room? , Tails affirme that there's another room not so far , with my rocket shoesi slide to the other room


I froze immediatetly once i hear the scream, i can recognize this voice for thousand voice , Nexus's in trouble i got to hurry, before something more horrible may happen, or worst, i hope is not what i'm think it is, as i slide in super speed to where the voice come a lot of flashback of Sonic and me that night came, i remember his face, how he was crying, begging me to stop but i didn't, why i've those lashback now


I have to hurry but where is he ?, i can't suport hearring this his cries and his pain full the hall coming through the ventilation ducts, i've to follow it if i want to find hilm and fast, more i ru more i got close and more my blood boil and more the envy to murder him grew,

" I'm coming Nexus "

Sonic/ Nexus P.O.V:

All i feel now is the pain of his sharper teeths deep on my neck and tears rolling on my cheeks, i can feel the my blood pouring out of my neck, the pain continue as he remove his sharp teeth with my blood was droppng from it, he lick his teeths his still smircking at me

Ruby Phantom: " awww what's wrong ? did i hurt you that much? i've to admit that blood taste way better than your fear * smirking*"

Nexus:" * turn his face and cries* w-why are y-you do-doing this to me? *tremble with fear and cold*"

Ruby Phantom: " well you see, i'm know like you, i'm not even alive, I am just a form of mass projected by my Ruby, and let say that once i make myself a from i have not idea about living people and live, but one day i found a files explaining where the live come from and how, and once i discover how you living been do that,i watch and learn i just couldn't wait, i've been thinking about it, quite a long time but now that you are here i can have all the "Fun" that you living people you called, let's see how "Fun" it is~"

I don't like this, he's gonna to do it, no!, not again not here not with Him, i start to pants heavely and fast as the fear conquer me more it's with his pointed fingers he slowly torn the nightie that I wearit, from the collar to the bottom leave me just with only this red transparent pantie and long socks too. i feel so humuliated and ashame of myself more disgust of myself

As he keep looking at me i was look at the projecto above and waching my son, i feel more tears rolling i hate everything what is happening to me now i wish that something or someone will stop him

The moment he was about to remove it, the projector screen of my son turned to the Dr.Eggman and he was pretty red, i don't know if he was mad or emmabrice of ahat he saw now

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