Chapter 08

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Sonic/Nexus P.O.V:

After a long moment being on a deep thougts and playing some music whit my Ukulele, i turn a little my head and see Dark lying on side puttiing his head on his palm of the hand and stared on me, i feel my face heat up than i smile to him he also start to have a pink color on his cheek, he's really cute everytime he do this i feel my heart beating loudly and fast, he changes position and sits next to me, i put my instrument down and look at this beautiful natur

Dark:" isn't this beautiful place"

Nexus: " sure it is beautiful place. *smile*" 

Dark: "since i come and this island, i feel like i'm living in a fantasy world it's sure that is the most beautiful island i ever see, I could maybe settle here, there a lot place i would like to discover it "

Nexus: " you'll always the welcome here in this island, i would like to show you more about this place *blush*"

Dark: " that would be amazing * happy tone*, i can't wait to see and discover the ruins of the abandoned castle that you show me last time"

Nexus: " you still on it!? "

Dark: " of course i'm, and you ?"

Nexus: " always ready, beside while i was resting in my house, i found one a old book that my mother bring flea market this year, i still i didn't finish read it but this book talk about this old abandoned castle "

Dark:" that's cool, so what's about the castel?"

Nexus: " well this castle ..."

I hear my mom calling all of us to join her for the picnic, we both raise up and went to them but my feel still hurt me so Dark take my arm and put it behind his neck so that I can use as a support as the side of our body touch we look at each other, i turn my head a little to hide my blushing face as he start laugh a little nervously, we walk a little slowly until we arrive there i saw them look at us with a weird face, like a victory face i don't know why but i didn't care now, Dark help me to sit first than he sit closer to me.

My mom start to serve the food to everyone, there was some pies, strawberry jam with some bread and fuit juice without forgetting some sandwish sfor the kids, and for us some cold cuts and cheese with a small bottle of wine and fruit of course, everything was scattered on the carpet only  waiting for us, the kids take toast with jam and their fruit juice as  they're joking with each other until Flash ask my son about something, and than Choas agree and grab his Ukulele and Lumos his violon, oh look like they're gonna sing to us, Choas and Lumos accord their instrument while Flash clear his voice, they say they made this song when they were at the beach doing thier own picnic 

( I just notice that the Steven voice in this cover look more male than female, so Steven voice is Flash and Connie is Lumos)

Shadow/Dark Night P.O.V:

We applaud all and we thank them for this beautiful song, the children start to laugh, and we continue enjoy our moment here, so this how is feel of having a familly?, so much joy, so much love, so much tendress, is this a feeling that i could have if Sonic was still with me? we always wanted to be familly, *sigh* and as usual i ruin everything, we could be a happy familly just like this one, i feel a warm tear falling on cheek i feel a hand wipe it when i turn i saw Nexus wiping it asking me if i'm okay which I lied to him by telling him that it was only dust that came into my eye, he take a little tissue and give it to me so if that happen again i'll wipe it.

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