Chapter 12

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Shadow/Dark Night P.O.V:

Before i come back to the village, i decide to visite our old house where we use to live before, all those good time and all those good memories  still all here, where ever i go i saw some flash back of us laughing, dancing, singing, playing and fighting sometimes.

When ever i feel bad he was always here close to me wiping my tears, cheering me up, and when ever i had those nightmare, his touch and his hug were enough to fade them away his swet words tranform them to beautiful and wondefuls  dreams but those days are gone only memories live here.

I'm in our old bedroom, our favorite spot when we pas most of our time cuddling in our bed and loving each other all the day, playing video games or even watching movies , a little smile draw on my face remembering all those day, i open our closet...

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I'm in our old bedroom, our favorite spot when we pas most of our time cuddling in our bed and loving each other all the day, playing video games or even watching movies , a little smile draw on my face remembering all those day, i open our closets remembering that he wear some cloths and specially my G.U.N Jacket, it was his favorite one, how many did caught him wearring it well i thnk i lose the count, the jaket still on the a his place, i miss those moment when i chase him to take it back, and now i wish to not see this jacket here again.

I grab my old jacket put it close to me, i can still smell his parfum, how much i miss his smell, i lay down on our old bed still smelling it , i can feel some of my tears falling on my cheeks, i look at the night table with a picture of us hugging and kissing each other, it was on afternoon of autumn i was wearring this jacket and him only his favorite red scraft with some little ring o the bottom,i didn't see or even find this scraf any where which remind me that i do see this something simillar somewhere.

I take a deep breath, wipe my tearse as took the picture and kiss it  before leaving this house, i look one last time before coming back to the village, it hurt so much but the live must to continue and it time for me to move on.

" Sonic, i miss you so much, thank you for all this beautiful moments that we live together, i know what i did is unforgivable and my sorries won't bring you back and my guilt won't get away but if i had a chance to change the past or even bring you i'll do it , i'll do it whatever it'll took me, but that won't nerver happen, i meet someone who completly me and i won't make the same mistake with him, thank you Sonic for understading me and for everything you did for us."

"I will never forget you, my love"

I finally teleport to my  room and put my Ukulele on my bed than i went to the village to find him and tell him about my true identity, but how i'm gonna tell him, i can not just say "hey Nexus ,you know my real name isn't Dark Night but it's Shadow" what would think about me ? he'll probably laugh and thinking that is a joke or he'll freak out , no i've to find away to tell him.

I'm now in the fountain, the kids aren't here which it's kinda weird they're useally here at this time, they probably playing around the village, i saw the old mam from the Flower Shop, and went to her and ask her if she seen the kids and Nexus, of course she didn't  see them so i just rest my back the wall of her shop and cross my armrs, i notice a annoucement about a party to celebrate 500 years of the village for next week.

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