Chapter 43

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~A Hour Later ~

Rouge P.O.V : 

While we wait for the Helicopter to arrive, everyone were so excited to see them againand specially Sonic and the little kid, Vanilla propose to prepare a little party welcome for them and prepare some deliciouse food and cakes too, they all agree with this idea and already start the preparation Knuckles allow them to make this little party on his island since it's the perfect place to welcome them

Amy, Blaze, Vanilla and Cream went to thier house to prepare some food and cake too, as for the rest they all prepare a table and some decoration after find the perfect place which was close to a beautiful lake, decide to follow them to the island i send my position to the helicopter so they will find me faster

Tails and Knuckles was also there, they were talking together for moment before coming toward me, Tails ask if he can come with me and Knuckles he look so excited to see Sonic again, it's been such a long time since i see him like that.

The moment i was about to anwers him the helicopter arrive and land just behind me, the rear door of the helicopter and guess who were waiting for us, Omega, he aybe don't show it but i can see how much he's excited to see Shadow again, we all run into in the helicopter and fly to finding them 

~Two Hours Later ~

Tails P.O.V:

I couldn't hold my excitement for too long, my double tails won't stop wagging that i've to hold them both and i take my tablet keep wathing the helicopter ride to Sonic, even Knuckles was excited that he couldn't stay sitting he was walking left and right as for Rouge she she thry to keep him calm but how could he after so many years we finally gonna be together like the old time and plus his son will be with us.

I'm so excited to meet his son too i wonder how he look like? Like Sonic? or like Shadow? What is his favorite food ? his favorite Music? his hobbies? did he like Robot and invention? i've a lot question and i hope we will be good friends too, 

Now i'm thinking since i'm older than him and Sonic is my big bro doesn't that mean that i'm his... Uncle? is he gonna to call me Uncle Tails? Me? A Uncle?  it's so weird but also so cool i'm gonna be his Uncle is he gonna Call Knuckles Uncles too? Uncle Knuckles? the excitement tomeet him grow everytime i think about them

Suddendly my Tablet bip louder which mean we're so close to them, i look from one of the porthole excitedly , my tablet keep biping more and more we're close so close I cn feel it they not far but where are they?

After few minutes flying abouve the island Knuckles notice something, we went on his side and look from those porthole some kind of fireworkes close to helicopter we look down and saw two people movinng thier hands up and one holding something like a flag and a little one jumping.

It was them they saw Helicopter they try to help us to fiding them The pilot immediatly follow the signal

Sonic P.O.V:

As we walk our destination Choas heard  a weird sound close to us we all look up to the sky and notice that was a helicopter of G.U.N Coming on our way, My son got the idea to send a sign so they can see us, Shadow and I grab a stick and one of the blanket than we attach them to make a flag and Shadow start to shake the flag and me my hands 

Sunddenly we hear a soud of fireworks just behind us and once we turn Choas was making some small fireball and thow it to the sky making fireworks, i don't where he learn that but at least is working.

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