Chapter 46

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~The Next Morning~

Chaos P.O.V:

Choas: " so dad, you remember the plan * eat his cereals*"

Shadow: " don't worry sonny, i won't let your mother alone until you give me the signal* drink his coffee*"

Flash: " and try to don't be so suspiciouse * eat his cereals too*"

Shadow: " note it, and what about the sound effect? and the light effect? "

Lumos: " don't Mr Shadow i'm close to finish this remote , you can control the light of the fake candle and the sound of the music with it, it should be ready until this afternoon"

Shadow: "Perfect! i'm gonna call Vanilla if her Cake Shop still open and... "

Flash: " Don't worry about this Mr. Shadow, we're going ther a bring everything you can count on us "

Shadow: " Great! Now will you excuse me * grab a plate with a deliciouse breakfast with a red rose on a little vase*  i got a Blue Boy to wake up * walk away *"

As my dad walk away and we finish our cereals i grab my comunicator that my dad give me and send a message to my Uncle Silver for the flowers and another one to Uncle Tails  for the light and last one to Aunt Vanilla for the cake, i give all the time that we gonna meet so can take them and continue the rest of the preparation.

I recieve a message from my Aunt Rouge telling me about a special outfit for my Dad will arrive pretty soon, just perfect, after that went to the bathroom lumos act pretty weird he like searching for something, when i ask he told to not tell Flash about because it a little gift  he wanted to give him, so decide to help him it a airplane pins that  belong to his grandfather

When he come back we stop our research i promise to him that we gonna find it, but now we gotta go, Since we are three each one of us will go in a destination, Flash will go on the flower shop, Lumos to the Cake Shop of Aunt Vanilla and me to my Uncle Tails for the light.

Before we go i send a message to Dad that we are in our way and his special outfit  will arrive soon, we take our skeatbord and go to our destination.


Shadow P.O.V:

After leave the kids, i went to dear love Sonic holding a plat of delicious Pancakes with syrups and blueberry and strawberry on it, a warm coffee with some cream on it on his favorit Cup where there a picture of us in a heart, and cup of orange juice and a little vase a Blue Rose and some of thier petals fall on the plate, i hope he'll like it. 

Enter the room carefuly and silencely as i keep looking at him sleeping under the blanket on his side, i place the plate on the nightstand and lay close to him gently petting as i give him a lot of kisses on his neck making him gigling and turn on his back  and me kissing him on his lips until he kiss me back as he wake up , like we always do.

I miss so much his smile, his beautiful emerauld eyes, his soft peachy cheeks his lovely touch hos did i live all this time without him, my life didn't have any color, any sence, any sound either,  while he sit and strength himself i bring the plate and placed on his lap, he was pretty surprise with a smile drawing on his face as he look at me and give me another kiss 

Sonic: " that's look so deliciouse Shad,  you really shoudn't but thank * blush*"

Shadow: " i'll do  anything to see your smile Sonic, beside i've decide tha today i'll spend my whole time with you, it's just you and me"

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