Chapter 36

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~Meanwhile at G.U.N Headquarters~

Rouge P.O.V:

After we leave the DeathEgg we were send immediatetly to the G.U.N HQ, i'm now at the Infirmary , i got a terrible shot that even make a many holes on both of my wings, guess i won't fly for a while, Knuckles was with me this whole time he have bandage around his head and his abs and a broken arm, and unless he's okay

my poor Knuxy, he try to protect me while we are escaping the DeathEgg, we destroy this station  by instaling some bomb around the station, we weren't fast sowe got some damage from the explosion, he sit on the edge of my bed and pet me my head as he give me a lovely kiss on my lips , i really miss his kisses, i sit close to him as he still kissing me, i don't that moment to stop at all

But the door open and the nurse tell us that since we feeling better now we can go, we also got a call from the commander calling us to join them a the reunion room for a urgence,  so we run until we arrive there, everyone where already here , the Royal Family, Tails, Amy; Sally Nicole, Team Chaotix, Silver, Blaze and even Vanilla and Cream where here too but why 

They are watchinng the recoder of some ofescaping of some villager from this island and G.U.N Forces fighting those Eggbots and protecting them, they manage to save those villager in meantime Tails was trying to hack some of the cameras of this "Biobliterator" thing.

After a hour he finally hack to one of those cameras, and lat's say that this place is pretty mess, everything is totaly destroy,  there must be a violent fight that wouldn't surprise me it's sure that  Shadow was fighting this Red Jackal, but there was no sigh of him or Nexus and his son anywhere

Tails and Nicole work together to find some early recorder so we can at least nknow what happen and they anage to find it and projected to the biggest screan so can all see what happen, 

I lost all my word after seeing all this and everyone were shock  the moment when Shadow got stab right to his heart,  i can't believe it did... Shadow really.....die to protect them, i felt some warm tears falling as i lose my balance, Knuckle hold me and make me sit on one of those chair while they keep watching i felt my heart stop. 

Is this what it feel to lose some one important?, is that what Shadow felt when he lose Maria and Sonic?, how did he support this all this time ? i never felt so destroy, so broke in my entire life he was like a brother to me i was always ther for him and he was always ther for me too, i can even hold my tears or my cries i feel like i'm gonna to past out 

Suddenly the screen turn white for second than we saw the little Choas transforming to some kind of a powerful version of himself, everyone where shock about his tranformation, i saw Knuckles holding this old book than look at the screen, his eye wide up when he look back at the book, what did he found

Knuckles P.O.V: 

Knuckle: " i can't believe it, so it's true ?" 

Rouge: " * wipe her tears* wh-what * sniff* what are talking about, Honey? "

Knuckles: " this transformation, it's a "Mega Chaos"  transformation, is one the most powerful tranformation it's even more stronger than the "Super Chaos" , a Choas energy  inside Emerauld is not stronger than a living one, the Mobian take all the energy 7 Choas Emerauld to tranform themself to a super verion because since the 7 Chaos Emerauld  use to be living beings before they give to the Mobian thier energy as  they share thier emotion and the body too stuck thier Powerful energy with the mobian so with this union between them the became one andd transform to a Super verion of themself"

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