Chapter 35

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Nexus/ Sonic P.O.V:

My body froze once i heard his voice, This red Jackal won't ever let us alone, he landed in front of us looking at us with a dead look, his Ruby Phantom was broken but even tho that doens't stop him from attacking us.

Dark put me and Choas behind him to protect us and fight him back by pushing him far from us  , i try to free my son body from this machine as well my son did  too, his body was connected to many computers and machines, i din't know what to do but sundenly we heard the machine turning on.

How it trun on i don't know but i have hurry before something bad happen, i heard Eggman and Chaos screaming of painas a pink light appear around eggman and then connect to my son, my son keep screaming as Eggman past out, i try everything to stop the machine but nothing , i coudn't hear or see my son like that.

Dark and the Ruby Phantom were still violently fighting, even if this ruby is broken he still strong enough to fight, as try to open the glass that separete me from my son i feel somone grabing my legs, it was Eggman 

He pull me out and thow me away from the machine, he grab one of his weapon and shot me with it but escape all of them,  he keep shotting as i hide behind on of his machine and wait until he stop, i grab on of pipe close to me and throw it on one of the pipe above him releasing steam on Dr. Eggman, it gives me enough time to charge my attack towards him.

Once i get him down i run back to my son try to open this glass coffin, the room change a color to pink than slowly to orange, Eggman was  laughing louder that we can heard his echos all the room.

" Biobliterator generator recharge to 95%"

Eggman: " you're too late now that generator is  close to be fully charged, there's no way to stop my invention, one shot with it and whole planet will transform to a robotic planet where i'll rule the world, i've waiting this moment fr so long and i won't any rats like you two destroying my plan* growl*" 

Nexus:" oh yeah will see about that * smirk* "

I run, i run with all my speed and make one of y stronger spine dash and brock the glass freeing my son from it, Eggman yelling a long No as i grab my son and run far from him, as i run i found myself in the middle of a metal bridge and army of robots blocking my way in the both side 

Both of the robots run towards us and jumps above us i've to react fast but sendenly someone just destroy some of them, i thought it was Dark but it reveale that it was .... Metal Sonic, he save us but why ? he look back at us i was sure that he gonna to kill us but he just look at us a free a way for us, i don't kwon why he do that but i couldn't wast any time so i start to run and thank him  

I hide ourself to a save place than i look back to my son, he was all pale and really tired, he slowly open his eyes and weakly smile , some tears roll on my face as i smile and hug him petting his quills and give him some kisses.

Choas: " m-mom.... I'm co-cold *start trembling *" 

Nexus: " i'm here honey * take off his old red scraf from his quills and warp his son with it*"

Choas: " th-thanks m-mom * smile*  wh-where did you get th-this s-scraf?"

Nexus: " i maybe have short quills but mommy always know how to organize *wink*"

Choas:" * giggle and look on the left then on th right* Wh-Where's M-Mr.Dark Night, mom?"

I can hear the sound of thier fighting from here even Chaos can hear it, there was a silence for quite a minutes and then we both heard a loud screams of pain coming from the generator room, I don't know what to do anymore, I have to help Dark ais how can I keep my son safe? if I left him here alone they can find it and it will be to risy if I take him with me, they will not hesitate to catch it.

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