Little Annoucement

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My Dear reader

After reading your comment and a long time of reflection I happy to announce you that I decide to make a sequel for this story since you all enjoy it, but the sequel won't be long like this one and I may not started soon so it will take sometime, since I'm working on other Sonadow stories I'll let this for later and I've already planed the story ideas and maybe new characters a well so stay tune

I may a exception and choose 5 or 6 OC's to be on this Sequel of this Story as new character so if you are interested, you may send me the description and/or a draw of your character to my Instagram (Chachagame1600) or my Twitter (Chachagme16001)

And Finally thank you to for volex_con this beautiful fan art, I'm so happy that my story get a fan art, if you want you can send me your fan here and I'll do a special book or new Chapter here for your fan art.

Thank you again for your support and reading the whole story and enjoying it I hope that sequel will be better than this one, stay safe and stay tune for more updates

Thank you again for your support and reading the whole story and enjoying it I hope that sequel will be better than this one, stay safe and stay tune for more updates

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