Chapter 47

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~Sometime Later~

Shadow P.O.V:

We finally arrive to our secret Glade, i maybe not show it now but i'm really nervouse and stress i can feel my feel my whole body shaking inside, but i have to stay cool, as i offer my arm again to Sonic  and walk toward to our secret glade we're talking about our past and adventures remembering our first times we find this place,  before we enter i warp a little red bandage on his eyes as he gab my arms trusting me and we enter, i also notice a little light with a bag hanging on the tree with his little symbolize on it , it sure it the little remote that he made forgetting to give it to earlier he put here, what a smart boy

We continue our walk after taking the remote, he was still blind as we arrive i remove the bandage still not activating the light yet, he was confuse of the situation but once i click on th button of the remote activiting all the light, on the trees the little candles on the ground on the lake.

He was shock and surprise, he keep looking around the place with a smile saying that he how mush love it and ask if i did that alone, i tell him that  i got a little help by three small professionals, he only chuckle knowing excatly who i'm talking about and he keep looking at this place amaze by evrything around him, then i take him to the little pinic walking on the roses petals path.

He watch the lake where there flotting candles everywhere like little shinning starts flotting on the space, before we eat the dinner i wanted to do it now it's the best moment, i told him that something important i wanted to tell him as i take all my courage and a deep breath, i sit on a big rock behind me close to the picnic grabing my son guitar that he left it here for me, once i got his attention i click on the button for the pino as a background music before playing the guitar, i hope it'll work

Sonic P.O.V:

As he keep singing i walk to anothe smol rock in font of him and sit as i keep lisening him singing i can see the sparkles in his eyes i guess that he was also enjoying the moment as much  i do, i don't why he do all this but it the most amazing moment that we evr 

Once he finish singing his song, i applaud saying how amazing he was but he suddenly move toward me living the guiter close to the rock, i felt something weird in me, my eyes widen  when i hold his hand as i bend down on one of his knees, wait what is he doing? is he doing what i think it is? it can't be!?.... I don't know what to say or what to do i feel some butterflies on my stomac but also shock and surprise covering my mouth fro my quite gasp, everything he did here was for that moment.

" Sonic, since our first meeting i never felt love or even know this feeling, i've never though about this feeling at all, Maria, my dear older sister was the only person important and i love i thought that there is no one in this world who could be like her but more time pass more i learn about it, it took a long time  to understand it, it also in this glade that i learn more about and more about loving you too, when that horrible night arrive.

When you disappear my world wasn't the same anymore, it make me realize how my live was empty without you, and whitout i'll be the same edgelord  but you bring me joy, colors, music, life but more important love, after i find you and discovered about that i'm father and i've a son, the most beautiful son and the perfect one,  making realise a lot  things, how much i miss you and how much i'm happy to have a wonderful son from you, My Love, i promise that i change i won't be the old cold and edgy Shadow that you've know before i'll change for you, for Choas, for us, for our familly, i want to spend the rest of my live with you two, i don't want to lose you two again i'm ready to do anything for you.....

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