Chapter 40

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~Three day later at the Angel Island~

Knuckles P.O.V:

After that G.U.N Helicopter drop landed all of us in my island and went to search for Shadow and the little familly, Tails and Nicole try thier best to localise them with his little tablet comunicator, as for the other they stay between each other  get to know the royal family as for me and Rouge we stay close to the Master Emerauld, she wanted to find Shadow but i stop her, she already take enough pressure and she need to rest, i don't want that something tha happen to my fincée, even the commander give her a order to rest

Vanilla and Aleena i mean......Queen Aleena seem to get along together, as for Cream, she was with Sonia and Sally playing together and Manic was with this Scrouge alone under shadow's tree hugging each other,  and the Choix team prepare something for lunch

Still no news about Shadow and the little family, Rouge start to worry more that even resting was some kind of torture, i didn't left her for a second alone, if i do she will fly away try to fiding them, she alredy overstress from earlier

Tails decide to go to the village so he can find something like a DNA or something coud help us to find them, no histation Rouge call Omega to follow her and fly, i quickly jump on Tails's plan as we follow her 

~Three Hours Later~

Rouge P.O.V:

Finally, we landed on the middle of the village close to the destroyed fountain, it hurt me to see this fountain destroy lika that Shadow and Choas use to pass a lot of time together here the whole Village was being repaired , the commander have send a special team to help them rebuilt it. didn't know that he have a heart

I look around if i could find Flash or Lumos, they could help me they may know something, as i walk a little on the village i heard some footsteps behind me, Knuckles arrive with Tails following him, he was a little mad that i left like that but he immediatly calm down, they followed me looking around the village but they are no where

I saw a familar silhouettes  close to the mayor building, it's Flash mom, Miss Soleil and Lumos parent, Dr Vaccin,  the Doator was arguring with one of special G.U.N medical member and the mayor, Miss Soleil, Mrs Tulips  and Flash try to hold him and clam him down, another solder arrive and guess who is, it my old friend Topaz, it been such a long time since i see her

Topaz: "  please Mister, you have to undestand  that we don't have the right to take any mobian or human with us unless you have a permittion from the commander "

Dr. Vaccin: " Our son is between life and death, i can't stay watching him like that"

Mrs Tulips: " please you're the only hope we have, he's in bad condition "

Rouge: " what's going on here?"

Flash: " Miss White Agate You're back * run and hug her*"

Rouge: " *Hug him back * hey there little buddy , miss me?"

Knuckles: "Miss White Agate?" 

Tails: " it's her fake name, Knux* whisper*"

Falsh: " * mind talk* Fake Name???"

Topaz: "Agent Rouge!!!!! and the Guardian Knuckles!!! what are you doing here?"

Flash: " Agent Rouge??"

Rouge: " hey there Topaz, long time no see, tell me what's going on ?"

Topaz: " well,  i was just about to...."

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