Chapter 19

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~A week later at the village~

Sonic/ Nexus P.O.V:

Chaos acts weirdly since the party, especially his diet change, he no longer eats sweets and neither junk food, nor even his favorite food, grilled fish and fries, just vegetables even soups are now it's favorite food, I admit that it worries me a little apart from that it look like he better than other days, maybe those vegable really change him.

I've decide to go at the beach, since it the week-end, walking with my thought, with sweet breath of the ocean, and the little  scum caressing my feet while i'm walking.

After a few walk i saw Dark sitting on the sand, reading something on his tablet, drinking  some kind of milkshake, i feel a little tired from walking so i hink i'm just joining him for the rest of the day

Shadow/Dark Night P.O.V: 

Knuckles send me some document about about what he could descrype from the book, nothing  important  just some information about the Choas energy and some new Ability that i never hear about, like the Choas Thunder, or the Choas waves and others Choas attack that could be pretty useful for me and suddenly as i take a silp of my fruit cocktail milkshake.

Someone suddenly  hide the sunrise on me that i realise that as Nexus look at me with sweet smile drawing on his face witha a pink shade coloring his cheeks, just looking at him happy make my heat beat so fast, this smile is so familar, he sit close to me looking at the beach  asking me what i was reading, i just answer him that they document  from my job nothing important turn off my tablet. 

~Few hours later~

We've been talking and laughing for more hours now, the water of the ocean is so beautiful the bright sun is warming this pretty face, a lot of people are playing, laughing, and even singing which is make the beach even more enjoyable to stay, i never belive that i'm gonna enjoy my time here and specially around some people.

Nexus take his Ukulele and play some note and start to sing, as he did i move my head with the 

He put his ukulele aside and lay down and i did same, we've been watching the sky listening to the soft sound of the wave for like some minut than i brok the silence

Dark Night:" so how's Choas doing?"

Nexus:" he's fine, but he kind act a little weird recently"

Dark:" weird, what do mean?"

Nexus:" well he isn't eating anything sweet nor even his favorite food he's not eatting it, he only eat vegetables and soup, i know my son he hate soup which i found that weird, but he is much better than the other day at the feast"

Dark Night:" well, ..... maybe because he's growing up, there is some kids on the world who change their diet whenthey are growing up * try to calm his little worries as he still thinking if about it*"

Nexus:" you maybe right, i just worry myself for nothing* smile and close his eyes*"

Dark Night:" * smile as look at him and pink shae color his face*"

Nexus:" hey Dark can i ask you something?"

Dark:" yeah, of course * joy tone and smile*"

Nexus:" well....  i just remember at the feast , after your amazing show, you were gonna to tell me something, you say that you're "

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