Chapter 26

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Shadow/Dark Night P.O.V:

For the first time i was really gald to see the G.U.N Ship above our head it must be Rouge who call them, with their help we managed to repel the robot army of Dr. Eggman, which gave me enough time to leave the village and join Nexus and thanks to the Choas Emerauld and teleport there but once i arriver i saw what i was afraid of, the tree house burring and the worst was Metal Sonic taking both of Choas and Nexus and fly toward the sky.

With my Rocket Shoes i Jumps from and branch to another and on the top I propel myself towards Metal Sonic, Calling Nexus name,i saw him weakly giving me his hands as he keep looking at me and than pass out, i was furious that i charge my Choas Spear ready to shout him but i could hurt both of them, so i keep follow him until some beebots arrive and attacke while i'm flying which was kinda difficul to follow him

I destroy all of them and continus following until a big and  famillar Ship appear and fly above us, it's the Eggman Fleet Ship, i couldn't let that happen not again i lose him because of him and i won't lose him this time, i keep flying faster as i can, more and more bee of those bee bots block my way and threw me on the ground.

One shoot of my Choas Blast was enough to destroy them all, i saw getting inside the ship and i keep follow him, there was many of the laser canon on strating to shoot me i manage to avoid them but unfortunately one succeeded in touching me and fell down on the ground all i can see the Eggman Ship slowly disapearing or should i say teleporting away rising my hand up calling both names then i past out

White Agate/ Rouge P.O.V:

After the robots was finally under controle and fire went down, i try to Shadow but he was no wherebut thank to my tracer i found his location and take a little team with me and order them to follow me, he was at the tree house as i suspected while we are running there we saw what we all fear the most the Eggman fleet ship, we both know why , so i fly faster  

Once we arrive there was a lot of thise robot burning the house i fly towar inside and find both of Choas grand parent laying with all those pieces of ceiling and flaming wooden beams above the head,two ranger join me aand help me to move them out of here aswe went out there was a big crash close to the bruning house, the ranger took the old couple and i walk towards slowly and carefully. 

It was Shadow laying weak, pass out and  almost burnt, the two other Ranger came and take Shadow out of here,  we went to one of the G.U.N truck where we can heal him, i hope he gonna be okay.

~6 Hours Later ~

Tails P.O.V:

The sun start to rise and we still at our way to the village where Shadow and Rouge are, we could see the village showing itself slowly but G.U.N Flying Ship are everywhere abouve the village, this not good they problably know about The little kid and they here to take him, we're too late 

After few minutes we arrive ther and holly cow, the village that Shadow decribe to me was tottly in ash, a lot of villager where everywhere looking at thier burning home and other looking at each other and there missing people, that remind me of the fire that had 12 years ago, 

We stop at the midle of the village where there was a fountain half broken as we all went out of the van we look at those poor people and pieces of broken robots and a famillar pink figure wearing a G.U.N Soldier outfit, once she turn her face i was shock 

" AMY ROSE!!!!"

Look i attract her attention and the othre too, we all suprise to see her here and with that outfit as she was also suprise to see us too and run to us and hug both of me and Knuckles and we hud her back, she keep saying that she miss us and how much she iwas happy to see us again, we brock the hug and we start to ask her a lot of question about her

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