Chapter 38

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~The next day early morning~

Dark Night/ Shadow P.O.V:

I wake up by the warm the rays of dawn hiding behind the leave of this long trees, i strenght my arms and my back before ckecking on Nexus and Choas in the tent, yep i decide to sleep outsidesince someone have to stay up in cases the danger, the night Nexus try to convice me to sleep with them inside the tent but but give up after a while, i rube my cheek where he kiss it with his sweet and soft lips before join Choas inside the tent

I turn the fire on and put some water on the pot and look for some foods on the packbag for the breakfast, ther was some biscuit, coffee, milk, cereales, strwberry jam, butter, some cups, spoons and a bowl, perfect everything is here, I set up a small tabel and prepare the breakfast by first boilling the water for the coffee

Few minutes later the breakfast was ready and both of Nexus and Choas wake up from the smell of the coffee, i can heard them yawning from here how cute, Choas open the tent and went out following by Nexus, they were Surprise when they saw it, They took thier place after i give a good morning and  a little kiss on his forhead earning a little blush and a sweet smile from Nexus as Choas hold his little chuckles than i pat his head too

The breakfast was delicious, Choas finish his cerale bowl twice well he need forces for the road, we decide to take the road tomorrow Since Nexus still a little tired, i don't blame them after all what happen they need a lot energy, controlling this power consume a lot of energy, so it better if they rest a little longer

~In The Early Afternoon~ 

Choas P.O.V:

Mom and I feel better now, i still have head spinning sometime but mom told me that i just need to eat and rest since my body need it, well it's kinda boringto sit here and doing nothing until i find a fishing rod on the ground, i ask mom if we could go fishing for the dinner for tonight as Mr. Dark Night Warp my mom feet with a bandage from a first kit.

Mr. Dark Night say that there is a river not so far and we decide to go after lunch, so as i prepare all the necessary for fishing  Mom and Mr. Dark Night together prepare the lunch which was some rest of the soup from yesterday and deliciouse sandwichs, I'm so happy that Mom and Mr. Dark Night are officiel together, i can't believe even if we lost in te middle of nowhere at least it the most beautiful day  of my life

~At Lunch At The River~ 

Nexus/ Sonic P.O.V:

I sit at the edge of the river letting the fresh water carressing my feets while Dark and Chaos were in the middle of the river trying to catch some fish, i notice that he wasn't afraid from the water anymore, usual he freak out just coming closer to the edge of the water, he still a little afraid i can see from his legs shaking but he feel more comfortable when Dark is around him, beside the water wasn't really deep is was on the level of the ankle

Dark impress my son by fishing with his hands instend of using the Fishing cane or a the long Sharpe stick that Choas was holding, his eyes widen it when he saw that and even try but didn't catch any so Dark show him how to do it, he than left him still trying as he sit close to me, he put his hand on my arm and make me rest my head on his shoulderand his on my head as we keep watching my son trying over and over again

Seing all the water splasing everywhere around him not catching any fish was pretty funny, we keep talking about how we gonna back to our island, he say that he gonna try to restore the radio and call them, if not we gonna have to walk until by chance we find a village if by chance we find one close from here.

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