Chapter 51

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~A Week Later~

Choas P.O.V: 

Everything was close to finish, mom still didn't find what to wear, so i call Aunt Rouge, Aunt Amy, Aunt Tikal, Aunt Blaze, Aunt Sonia, Aunt Sally Aunt Vanilla, Flash and Lumos's Mothers as themself, Cream and my two Grandmas to help me with mom outfit, they bring some wedding dress and Tuxedo that they found and we all meet at My Aunt Rouge house.

From All the dress and Tuxedo i found the one who look excatly like i saw in my dream so i took them and show them how i saw in my dream by drawing it the last wee, all my Aunts love the idea, if you don't know what to choose then fuse it, we all start to work me and my friends we bring all the necessary they need while the girls work together in the perfect wedding outfit for y mom

~Some Hours Later~

It's finally finish, the perfec wedding outfit, all what we need now is some thought from all the other, Unce Tails enter with the others and saw the outfit that we make i was nervouse a little thinking that it might be not a good idea that i thought but they all love it, they even say that is very original and so modern too, Uncle Tails promise That Mom will love it.

But i still feel like there something missing i look around and saw Uncle Silver  that he was holding small Bouquet of Cupid Orchid  so i ask if i could take and he gladly give to me and i take a white transparent bridal Veil and i put it on the top of the mannequin where is the outfit with some of those flower on the top like flower crown and some on the waist on the top of the bottom of the dress, and they all love otit just make it way better that before

Well there one thing to do now calling mom to come here, My Dad was at G.U.N or at Castle so Mom was problably alone so once we call him he arrive in few second, wow didn't know that mom was that fast i mean yeah mom is Sonic why am i even surprise but it still something for me , but anyway mom knock the door and Aunt Rouge open the and let mom entre as he ask why everyone was here i grab mom hand and take him to the living room after i ask him to close his eyes  and once there everyone were behind him waiting for the moment 

N or at Castle so Mom was problably alone so once we call him he arrive in few second, wow didn't know that mom was that fast i mean yeah mom is Sonic why am i even surprise but it still something for me , but anyway mom knock the door and Aunt Ro...

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"For people who forgot how Sonic Wedding dress look like, just a little remind"

I told him to open his and once he did he saw the outfit his eyes winded as he rest both of his hands on on his mouth and walk toward the outfit look every piece and touched too, he look at all of us with some tears rolling, he love it i'm sure about it he keep smilling everytime he look back at it and when we ask him what he think he say that he love it and mom ask who go the idea they all look at me as i walk in front everyone then mom understant everything and hug me very tightly and i hug mom back as he keep thanking me and give me a lot of kisses even if it was embarassing a little but it didn't matter as long he ove it and he's happy that the matter 

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