Chapter 24

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Rouge/ White Agate P.O.V:

We all at take the road back to home Lumos and Flash familly went back to the village while me and Shadow stay with them, last time i saw Shadow so nervous and scared like that it's was the day when he try to find Sonic after the accident, he hold both of them really close to him and tight like if somebody will take them from him, it brorke my heart to see him like that.

It took us only a hour to arrive to thier tree house and Shadow was still holding them not even letting Nexus to walk even if it so dark i see him blushing pretty hard, the GrandParent let us enter to thier house, and i've to adimt that is much prettier than mordern house but anyway

He let Nexus down let him go he hesitated but we all look at him not saying a word but i guess he understand the message since he start  to follow Nexus, we all sat together in what is look like a living room, the old mama went to the kitchen while the old man stay here with me, i notice a 

Shadow/ Dark Night P.O.V:

Once i left them and follow Nexus, i hear hi talking to his son so join them too what i think is Choas room, he was laying on hammoc and Nexus hold his hand and pet his head as he speak  to him, i hesited to entre so i stay where i was and keep lisening to them

Choas:" .... hey mom"

Nexus:" Yes sweetie, do you need anything, *still holding his son hands*"

Choas:" no, i-i'm fine *cough* i just want to ask you if we can go at the abandoned castle and visite? *cough* yo-you promise me"

Nexus:" of course, my little emrauld, we'll once you get better * smile as he keep petting his head*"

Chaos:" thank mom, oh and can  Mr.Dark Night come with us? *cough*"

Nexus:" well, we gonna to ask him first, but why do you always want him with us?"

Choas:" because he's really nice and strong also you and him look so close together, so why not * weakly smile*"

Nexus: " well it's true that *blush* we're close and...."

Choas:" so do you love him?"

Nexus:" well i..... * blush even more* i do find him.... Pretty strong and * rub the back of his neck*

handsome too and...."

Choas:" * get excited but too weak to move and smile* so you do love him!!! "

Nexus:" * nod as he keep blushing* "

Choas:" yes my plan work!"

Nexus:" wait.....your plan!!? * raise a eyeblow*"

Choas:" oups * realize his mistake*"

Nexus:" care to explain young man "

Choas:" well, i... kinda plan that, well we all plan that, me Lumos, Flash, Grandpa, GandMa, and even Miss White Agate help me"

So Rouge know about his plan and she didn't tell me, i guess she really want me to be with him and change, but why me? why did he choose me? 

Nexus:" so everyone know plan and was apart of the plan?, But why did you do that, Choas"

Choas:" because  *cough*, i didn't want to see you crying some Night alone, i saw you waching some other familly playing together and you're sad so i though if there is someone with you'll be happy, and i try to find someone you could love him and he will love you too, but i let my heart guild me and it guild me to Mr Dark Night, i *cough* i also feel a strong think, something between me and Mr Night, i don't what it's but my heart say to followed so i did"

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