Chapter 14

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~One day before the village Feast~

Sonic/Nexus P.O.V:

It's been days since i see Dark in the village or at the restaurent, i found that pretty weird for not  coming here, I think  that I used to see him every day at lunch at home, in the restaurent, I feel a little lost that he isn't here, it's as if part of me is missing, I find it strange  even Choas and his friends notice that, they even told me that he been accting a little weird too, i hope he's okay and he's safe, for now i've the help the other with the decoration.

I'm now at the fountain place, helping others to hang the garland on the lamppost, i can't not stop thinking about him, is he okay?, Is he in danger? What is he doing ? and What wrong with me ?, Am i over reacting? i'm problably over reacting, he's fine and  there nothing to worry right !?,I just a weird feeling and i don't know but something's gonna happen pretty soon.


Shadow/Dark Night P.O.V:

Here we are at the beach a little far from the village training with kids one last time before tomorrow, i'm glad tha Miss Soleil will help me with this, i'm not really good with kids, well only with Choas who i feel like his.... my son...... in somehow.

I should thank the Old Lady of the flower work shop for the idea and to present me to Miss Soleil,  she's a music teacher for young kids so it make the thing even easier for me she even help me for the music, we soon be ready i'm so excited and also so nervouse, i try to keep only the positif thought, the song's ready and the kids are trained well, i hope that i won't messed up for now we all getting ready for tomorrow.

The kids went back with teacher and i take  my way back to the hostel taking the Choas Emerald and went back to the city so i can buy a nice suit, but before that i've to go back to the village and see Nexus and see how he's doing, i didn't see him from days now he problably notice my absence.

~A hour later~

I finally arrive to the village, everyone in the village are busy preparing everything for the party for tomorrow, some of them are training other are decoring the place and other installing some games and other things too, i went tothe restaurent to see him but he wasn't here Nexus's father came and told me where he's i than him while i run to te fountain 

It took me only few seconds to reach there i saw the kids with Rouge well i mean White Agate at the fountain training at their song i guess and then i saw Nexus on a ladder, hanging garland of light on some trees of the village so i walk towards him

Some kids were playing with a ball until one of them accidently kick to ball toward him and hit his head which make him lose his balance and fall, i use my rockets shoes and slide with my high speed before he fall on the ground and catch him, he slwoly open his eyes as rubs his head where the ball hit him, when he look at me a smile draw on his beautiful face and he..... Hug me!??

I'm kinda suprise because he warp his arms around my neck and slowly rub our cheeks together and he quietly .... Purr!?, that reminde of Sonic he use to do this everytime i came late without leaving a note and when he worry to much he do that, but why Nexus is doing this? did he .... Worry about me !?

Nexus: " *broke the hug * where have you been? i was..;*blush*i mean we were worry about you, you just disappeared and didn't say nothing, we feared the worst, you know"

Dark Night: " * blush* well i was on.... huh kinda a misson...yeah on a little misson"

Nexus: "* raise up eyebrow* a misson!?"

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