Chapter 01

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12 years later

Sonic / Nexus P.O.V:
"Choas! Chaos " I call his name knowing that he's hiding some where in or out the tree house, he love playing this game with the but sometimes it's go really far, i keep calling him fomr the window but he didn't answer i start to worry a little until a hear a little giggle inside the house i walk a little inside and i hear him again " Choas i know your here ~" i said but  he still giggling Nexus: "Choas come now, you know i can sence you"

Choas: " Chaos hug bomb * jumps behim him and hug him*"

Nexus and Choas: "* giggles*"

Choas: " i got you"

Nexus: " you got me * smile*"

Choas: " and now you blind * hide his mom's eyes with his hands*"

Nexus: " oh no tiny hands my only weakness * hold his son and hug him*"

We both hears the sound of the old car of my father which means that my parents are back from the village not so far from here, they finally come back, we watch them from the window laugthing and kissing each other, they are so lovely and adorable, they say that the love bring happiness and peace on thier live just looking a them make me smile, but saddly not everyone can feel and live with love like them i wish i could be with this persone that i still love him until now, be in his arms and feel save and secuire, tell me that i matter for him so i can feel the love but that will be impossible, i hear my son calling them than jump out my arms and jumps from the window grabbing one of the lianas of the tree and goes down quietly until it reaches the ground and runs towards them giving them hug, i just keep looking at them smiling, at least my son is happy here that all the matter for me.

Today is a special day, that right my son will have 12 years. he still don't know that we're preparing a little surprise for him, there is a place at the a lake with a little island with a giant and a very large weeping willow all blooming in the middle, under its beautiful branch of the little light garland and balloons attached to the table at the gift and cake without forgetting the fireflies in jars around the table. 

~After the dinner~

My son was sitting on my father laps on the living room while me and my mom we're kitchen doing the dishes,  we hear Choas and my father laughing loudly i bet they're playing and tickling each other, it was funny and adorable, my mom and i we're talking until we notice it's almost time to go so once we finish my father grab Choas like he was a bag of potato and left the house before we're arrive few meters there i blind-folded his eyes until we arrive, I get out of the boat and join the other boat, I carry my son in my arms and walk a few steps towards the small island, as my son hates water like me even if he exaggerates a little bit that he touches the water he starts to shake, so I have to carry it up there, I put it on the ground takes it by the hand and I bring it up to the weeping willow my father and I remove the curtains of leaves of the tree while my son removed his blindfold from his eyes.


All his friends and family were there to celebrate his birthday, I see my son moved to see them all for his birthday, he rejoined his friends who in turn circled him and wished him a happy birthday, they join the table and Choas took his place near the cake, he made his wishes well blowing the candle, my mother cut out and served the cake while the child chatting between them, and after the cake there are the presents, Chaos couldn't wait  as always, after he finished eating his piece of cake he runs to his presents and open it, most of them were video games, he also get a skateboard, a baseball bat, a album of his favorite metal band, my father offered him a ukulele and my mother a new pair of white gloves and a pair of black and white indigo shoes, his shoes have the same shape as my love have, I decides to offer him something that is very close to my heart it's a pair of platinium bracelets of my love, my soulmate, but especially of his father, he offered me this bracelet the day that he asked me to be his partner , written on one of the bracelet my name and the name of my love and the other writes "Our Love, Our History, Our Miracle" I keep the one who wrote my name and that of my love and I give him the other, it's a little big for its do wrist so he puts it around his neck like a collar, he left joining his friends to play and they were all facinated by his new collar, they all tell him that he look like a cool dude, it's funny to see him act like that.

~Some hours later~

The party was over everyone  went back to there home as we do, i never see having fun like today, he play all the time that he fall asleep once it was over, finally we arrive to our house i took my son to his room and put him on his hammock while my dad put all his gifts his table, i give him a good night kiss and left his room and went to the living room with my parent, they told me when i'm gonna to tell him about who's his father and what would happen if somebody discover my true indentity, i start to panicking a little but i quickly calm down tell them that no one will find out, beside the world think that i'm dead after the last Eggman attack, so me and my son are save but for how long, i know that we're living in a other side of the island but maybe my parent are right, i shoud be more careful  you never know what could happen, well that remind me Eggman didn't show up after his last attack 12 years ago, i wonder what is he doing, but i have something more important now What would I say to him when he's gonna to ask me who his father is and where is he, i have to think about it but now i'm a tired and i need some sleep cause tomorrow it'll be a long day, i had to help them at their restaurant and take my son their so he'll meet his friend and pass his time, i tell my parents a good night and went to my son room to see him sleeping in peace than back to my room but before a lay on bed a look to the  sky than i see a shooting star, i close my eyes and make my wish 

" Shadow, My love i miss you so much, I wish we'll be reunited and be a real familly." 

After i went to my bed and fall slowly asleep, let's hope tomorrow it'll be a new and better day  

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