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     My name's Hannah Blake Randle. I'm obviously related to Steve randle but half of the time people don't know we're twins. Everyone either thinks I'm his younger sister or the people at the bars think I'm his older hotter sister.
     I'm an extreme party girl. I like to go out mostly every night meet some boys and crush their hearts one by one. So yeah I'm a player. I have a big reputation for that. But I guess I'm just hard to resist. I also dress where I either show a lot of skin or the outfit is extremely tight. Lets just say Steve doesn't appreciate that.
     I can be "nice" sometimes. Typically only around my friend Caitlin. She's so bubbly and sensitive I worry about actually hurting her. She's the only thing I truly love besides my idiot of a brother which don't tell him I said that.
Although I play guys left and right I do have a soft spot for one guy. He's a part of the gang to. He's just as bad as me. His names Dallas Winston. We both go out and break the rules and flirt with everyone we see. I've had a crush on him ever since he moved to Tulsa when he was eleven and I was ten. I've made it harder for myself considering we're practically best friends and we flirt with each other all the time but it never leads anywhere.
I guess you could also say it's a rarity for me to cry or show my feelings. People know they messed up when they see a tear fall. I've only broken down in front of Caitlin and it's because she's my best friend.
Everyone fears me in some way. I guess you could say I know how to fight. And I know how to get what I want. I've been fighting since I was like eleven and it's always been against those stupid socs. They treat us like we're worse then them but I don't understand how money can change you that much.
      I have a lot of stress and trust issues. That's probably the reason I play all the guys I do. I don't know how I've built up such a wall but it happened and I'm not ashamed.

      This is just a small intro into Hannah's life. I hope you guys enjoy this and will continue to read. Stay cool and stay gold❤️

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