Chapter 34: Vegas Baby

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      The next day (now Saturday)-
I was finally finished packing for this week long trip to Las Vegas that I forced the gang to go on. We go on a road trip at least once a year and this time I suggested Las Vegas. Sure it's sixteen hours away but I could care less. Steve, Dally and Darry are all driving. Steve has to take our dads car. Dally stole a car. As usual. And Darry has his own.
Darry is going to take pony boy and Johnny. Steve is taking soda and Caitlin. And Dally is taking me and two bit. I arranged the transport groups. Two bit is the only one that knows about us so I put him with us.
"Steve I'm ready!" I yelled running down the stairs with two bags. I was wearing Dallys red long sleeve shirt that says New York. He got it a couple of years ago when he had to visit. He never wore it, it was more of just something he looked at. He let me keep it. Says something about how someone special should get something special to him. Therefore it's special to me. Cheesy but sometimes cheesy can be somewhat cute. I paired it with my white shorts then walked down the stairs.
I walked outside throwing my bags in the back of Steve's cat well my dads car. Steve has the biggest trunk so we're all just throwing our stuff in there anyway. I got in the passenger seat and seen Steve was already there and ready to take off. "Morning hannah you excited?" He asked.
"Of course I am ive been waiting for this trip for a month." I sighed drastically.
Steve looked at me and smiled but then instantaneously changed his smile to an unsettled look. "Is that Dallys sweatshirt?"
"Uh yea but I got it from him when we were dating. I just haven't given it back." I didn't technically lie. I did return it but he gave it back but I couldn't tell him that.

We walked in the Curtis house jumping in glee then two bit shouted, "Las Vegas baby!"
We all got really excited. We walked out to the cars and once everyone got situated we all took off heading Vegas. I was in the front with dally while two but was in the back already sleeping.
"Oh come on we have to mess with him somehow." Dally said taking his eyes off the road and looking at him.
"Maybe sharpie or something." I slapped him so he'd focus on the road.
"We should make it seem like we abandoned him or something." He replied.
"I don't know. You have a sharpie?" I ask already looking around.
"This isn't my car do you think I'd really know." He chuckled.
"Never mind I found one." I unbuckled and turned around back. Luckily his face was closer to my seat and I had easy access to color on his face. I drew a thick mustache above the upper lip. Then I drew 'hit me' across his forhead. I drew other random little things then put the sharpie back. "Thank god I knew he was a heavy sleeper." I chuckled.

Two hours into the car ride-
       I fluttered my eyes open and seen Dallys hand place delicately on my thigh rubbing his thumb gently back and fourth as he kept one hand on the steering wheel. "How'd you sleep." He seemed to notice i woke up.
      "The best I could in a car." I giggled.
      "He's been asleep the whole ride." He pointed back to two bit. "Man I wish we would just tell everyone about us."
      "That surely was random." I looked at him.
      "Well I was just thinking about how badly I wanted to share a room with you and I know I can't." He sighed.
      "We could. We could tell everyone. Are you ready for that?" I ask seriously.
     "I am. In fact although I could never truly tell you how I feel I want you to have something other then my shirt. Which by the way looks amazing on you." He admired me for a second then took both hands off the steering wheel causing me to freak out. He slipped a ring off of his finger then asked for my hand. He placed one hand back on the steering wheel and placed a ring on right hand. "I hope this will let you know I'm in for the long run. I may never want to get married or have kids but I'll stay with you if your okay with that." He smiled for the first time in a long time.
      "Thank you. This means a lot to me. I don't care if you never want marriage or kids if it means I can be with you I don't care about anything else. All I want is to be with you. And I hate how soft it makes me but I do care for you a lot." I smiled admiring the ring that used to be on his finger now on mine. Just a little bug but it fits on my middle finger.

      A short but sweet chapter. Trust me I have a lot planned for Vegas. Some things you may not expect nor want and some things you may really enjoy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you continue to read.

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