Chapter 37: Still A Teen

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We walked into the bathroom she took another test as I looked away. She told me she was done and I watched her sit on the lid of the toilet as her leg shook rapidly up and down. "I shouldn't of done anything." She cried as she dropped her head into her hands.
     "Hey Caitlin it's okay. We all make mistakes. Do you regret it being Steve's?" I walked Iver to her and sat on the floor holding her arms.
      "I don't know. Honestly I love Steve. And I hate to admit because I want to love Lucas. And I do. But how can be with him if I still think about Steve?" She lifted her head as she talked to me.
      "Caitlin sweetie, I'm not asking you to choose because that'd be so harsh of me but do you have your mind set on one of them?" I could care less if she chose Steve if it made her happy I'd be happy. I just don't want her unintentionally messing with his feelings if she were to keep swapping.
      "That's where it gets hard for me hannah. For Steve I've known him for so long and we've built such a friendship and it's easy and I know he would take good care of me. With Lucas I haven't know as long but when I'm around him I feel so happy and I feel safe." She said smiling. "And trust me I didn't cheat on him! Steve and I got together a week before Lucas and I and that's before I thought Lucas even wanted to spend time with me."
      "It's okay Caitlin everything will turn out just f-" I was cut off by a knock at the door. "I'll answer it." I walked out of the bathroom and then opened the door. "Lucas." My eyes went wide as I stared straight in front of me at him.
      "Sorry I just needed to check on Caitlin she didn't sound good over the phone and I want to know about this whole thing. Can you let me see her." He sounded so sweet.
      "Sure she's just in the bathroom. Tell her I'll be in our room okay." I walked out of the room as he walked in and I was just hoping this worked out for him.
      I walked over to my room really hoping dally was still asleep. I have a feeling he is actually gonna to flip once he finds out we got married. He always talks about how that's not what he wants. To be fair I don't either and I don't want to be married right now but what can I do? They really shouldn't have let us get married if we were that drunk.  
     I slowly opened the door to see a shirtless Dally propped up against the headboard. "Good morning hannah." He greeted me as I walked in.
      "Good morning Dally. I actually have something to tell you and I don't think  you'll like it." I said as I sat on the bed across from him.
     "What is it?" He sat up straight now.
     "Well you know how we were so drunk last night? Like I can't even remember anything" I started.
     "Yes I can't remember a thing taht happened last night. We must've had fun." He smirked.
      "Well apparently we did. I was talking to caitlin and apparently we made an impulsive decision and got married in some chapel last night." I finished what I needed to say.
        "Isn't that just great hannah." He rolled his eyes. "What are we going to do now I don't want to be married especially at seventeen!"
       "We can get a divorce I guess that's the only option!" I tried acting calm.
     "I guess that's what we have to do now. Man I should've never came on this trip." He rolled his eyes.
     "You are just so unbelievable. You don't even care how I feel you just want to blame this on me and think that it only takes one person to get married!" I yelled going straight up in his face.
      "I never blamed you I'm just mad okay! Why don't we go to some courthouse when we get home and get divorced!" He yelled.
      "Fine by me." I huffed as I laid back looking at the ceiling avoiding him as I cooled down.
    Caitlin's p.o.v-
    I rested my head back on my hands as I barely heard hannah talking to someone. I slowly heard the door creak and I assumed it'd be Hannah but when I looked up I seen Lucas. "Hey sorry to bother you but as soon as I heard you in the phone I just had to come here."
      "I'm so glad your here I never wanted this to happen." I cried out as I jumped up into his arms. "I'm taking two other test to see if I'm pregnant right now."
      "If you are I'll stay around if you want me to I'll help with whatever you need or I can leave and you and Steve can be a happy family." He sounded so reassuring.
      "Thank you." I whispered. "Now it's time to check if I really am or not." I looked down at the two test lying down on the counter. "Lucas."
      "What is it baby." He said wrapping his arms around my waist from the behind.
      "I'm not pregnant!" I cheered as I turned around and we kissed. I always thought it's be A bad day if you found out you weren't pregnant but right here in this moment I couldn't be happier. I am still a teen.

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