Chapter 44: Irresistible

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Thirty minutes into the party dally starts walking towards the bar. I followed behind him and didn't say anything. He sits at the stool and I sit to the right of him and just watch him. He raised his hand for the bartender and I truly believe he is about to fail. Which confused me because if Dally would want to fail he would make sure I wasn't near him.
The bartender came up to him and he opens his mouth and goes, "two waters." Then he proceeded to smirk at me. "What did you think I was getting alcohol?"
I rolled my eyes then got handed a water. "Well played." Then an idea comes across my mind. "I have to go to the bathroom, behave yourself." I walk towards the bathroom but not to the actual bathroom. I seen two girls and I approached them still keeping an eye on Dally as he sipped his water. "Hey can I ask you two a favor."
They both looked a little confused but they agreed. "Can you order some drinks for the tall guy with brown hair drinking a water but don't say who it's from." I ask.
"Sure we can do that, what for?" The one girl with red hair asked.
"I'm his girlfriend and he promised he wouldn't drink because I'm not allowed to drink. And he's already messing with me so I want to get him back." I smiled and nodded then walked away.
I went up to the bar and sat besides Dally who was watching intently as the bartender served drinks to people seated around the bar. A few minutes later the bartender came up to us and handed Dally a drink with no context then he walked away. Dally eyes the drink then looked at me. "Where did this come from?" He asked me.
"I don't know why are you asking me?" I sounded offended as if I had no clue of what was going on. His brown eyes drifted from my face and wandered around the place. He turned back around and sighed.
"What should I do with it?" He asked still fairly confused.
"You could always drink it." I smirked hoping I could win within the next minute. But dally fooled me. He knew what he was doing. He brought the drink almost to his lips but it touching it. Then he sat it back down and passed it to the person next to him.
"Here I think the waiter may have gotten the wrong person." I seen him smirk as he had his head slightly turned. "Won't be that easy, Han." He called me by my nick name which I haven't been called since like a month ago. "Why don't we go dance." He offered which he never does.
     "You just don't want to be near the bar." I rolled my eyes.
     "Or do I just want to spend time with my girlfriend." He smirked.
     "Yeah it's definitely not that, on another note I'm also your wife." I shrugged and giggled. "But I'll dance with you."

     We dance for around an hour before I get extremely exhausted. I leaned into his chest the whispered. "I'm tired Dal I wanna go home." I pouted.
      "Fine by me." He smirked but before we could leave someone approached us.
      It was a man that was around seventeen maybe eighteen. He had blonde hair that flowed over his forehead like a bowl cut. He had bright blue eyes that had large specks of green. Dally got defensive thinking he was here go hit on me, he stood slightly in front of me. "Hey do either of you want this drink?" He continued to talk more geared towards Dally and he happened to mention it was his favorite drink.
     Dally finally spoke, "no I'm fine."
    "Oh come on man just one sip, wait your Dallas Winston?" He questioned.
     "That's me." Dally smirked.
     "I've heard about you, also heard how you would never turn down a drunk man you must being going soft." He rolled his eyes and almost walked away.
     "Wait." he grabbed the hand out of the mans hands and gulped it down then shoved the cup back into mans hands.
     "That was impressive." The guy said.
     "Yeah whatever." He rolled his eyes then grabbed my hand and walked out.
     "Well someone lost." I smirked. "But that's okay I still love you." We got into his car, and I leaned in and kissed him. He grabbed the back of my head and leaned into the kiss.
      "Man your irresistible." He pulled away slowly.
      "What can I say I just have that look." I winked.


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