Chapter 23: A Break?

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One week later
Jesus it's been a long week. It's been fun but long. Dally and I went to New York a week ago and we just came home. I met a bunch of his old friends and all of them were shocked how serious we were. We both went back to Bucks extremely tired. Dally went up and carried all of the bags and I went to say hi to Buck.
"Hey Buck." I smiled.
      "I missed ya guys. Wait where is dally?" He asked giving me a hug.
      "Putting our bags upstairs I'll go grab him." I walked up the stairs but before entering I heard talking. I put my ear to the door.
      "You don't have to tell her." I heard a girl voice say.
      I barged in and seen sandy standing by Dally. "What the hell?" I yell.
     "Baby trust me we weren't doing anything." Dallys eyes sparkled. He wasn't lying.
     "Not today at least." Sandy winked.
     "What does she mean?" I ask.
     "Oh did you not know we had a little thing." She smirked.
     "It was before we even dated Hannah trust me." He laid his eyes upon me.
     "When?" I ask afraid of the answer.
     "Two months ago." He looked away from me and down at the ground.
     "But you were dating soda then!" I yell getting closer to her.
     "Yeah so it's only been six months." She laughed.
     "Soda loves you." I told her.
     "I don't care. Dally I came here to tell you something could you ask Hannah to leave?" She tried to whisper but her big mouth is too loud.
     "I'm not asking my girlfriend to leave so either tell me or you can leave." He yelled.
     "I'm pregnant and guess what honey your a father." She smiled then walked out of the room.
     "Sandy wait!" He yelled. Is he really gonna leave me for her.
     "Are you keeping it?" He sounded frustrated.
     "Yea I am." She grinned.
     "I'm not going to be a part  of the child's life." He sounded beyond mad at her.
     "That's Fine I was going to move to Florida anyway." She turned back and left.
     "What the actual hell Dallas?" I ask beyond livid.
     "Hey man we used protection I didn't think this would happen!" He said.
     "Yeah but it did why can't you just be more responsible." I yell.
      "Hannah you do the same shit you just don't end up pregnant!" He yelled back.
      "You also had a fling with your best friends girlfriend!" I got closer to him.
      "It was a one maybe two time thing!" He rolled his eyes.
      "That doesn't matter how do I know your not going to have that attitude about our relationship and cheat on me with every girl you see." I ask Curious for the answer.
      "I wouldn't do that!" He yelled.
      "How do I know that?" I ask.
      "Your unbelievable ya know what the next girl I see I'll kiss just for you!" He yelled storming out.
      "I dare you to see how that turns out!" I yell chasing after him. We both stomped down the stairs as he made his way up to the blonde standing by the bar. He grabbed her waist turning her around then kissed her. "Try me!" I yell and go up to a brunette by the stairs starting to make out with him.
      I felt hands push me off then I seen an even angrier buck pulling me by my wrist and Dally by his jacket. He pulled ya up the stairs and into Dallys room. And made dally sit on the bed right next to each other. "Are you two thirteen?" He yelled.
     "I'm sixteen thank you very much." I roll my eyes.
     "What went on down there?" He asked grabbing a chair and sitting across from us.
     "Well Dally here got a girl pregnant pissed me off then kissed a girl." I summed it up for him.
     "Is that correct Dally?" He asked looking at him.
     "Yes. But she made out with a guy." He yelled.
     "You two need to grow up and realize how much each of you are for each other and if you can't see that then what even are you doing?" He asked.
      "Dally I was just mad I love you." I tell him realizing how dumb I acted.
      "Do you think I would just drop this and cheat on you?" He asked.
      "I mean sometimes." I look at my feet.
      "Do you trust me?" He asked.
      "Most of the time." I shrugged.
      "Then what are we doing if you don't trust me?" He asked.
      "I still love you." I tell him.
      "Yea okay. Come back to me when you can trust me." He got up and barged out of the room slamming the door.

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