Chapter 22: Love

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Dallys p.o.v-
I got hauled into jail three days ago for slashing some guys tires and then getting in a fight with him. No big deal. Today I was supposed to hang out with Hannah and I was going to take her out of town for a little. Guess that won't happen today. "Dallas Winston?" Someone Called in a mature tone.
"What?" I huffed.
"Your release is being set early." He walked over and put the keys into the cell letting me out.
"Cool." I just walked out.
"Dallas you know the rules go wait at the front desk. Don't treat it like it's your first time here." He sighed.
"What's up Dallas how ya been?" Charles asked. He's kind of a big deal around here. He's the head police and I've gotten to know him over the years.
"Charles man I've been good got myself a girl." I lean against his desk.
"That's what I've been hearing didn't know you could settle." He chuckled.
"I didn't think so either but man she's perfect. She's basically the girl version of me." I smiled thinking about her. I wonder what she's doing today. I feel so bad for not being there.
"Has she been hauled in?" He asked.
"Obviously." I rolled my eyes.
"Well are you going to tell me her name?" He laughed.
"Oh it's hannah r-" I got cut off.
"Hannah randle?" He laughed once again.
"Ya know her?" I smirked.
"Hannah's built herself quite a reputation around here." He laughed as I smiled to myself knowing my baby girl is well known.
"Winston your free to go. We hope we don't see you again next week." He laughed.
"Bye guys." I walked out the door in hopes to find Hannah.

The first place I went to is her house. Although it's six at night and I expect her to be out I figure I would just check here first
to narrow down the options. I get to her house and go by her window. Wouldn't be the first time I snuck in. "Hannah!" I called out. She wasn't in her room. I checked everywhere else around her house but she wasn't there. The next place I should go would be the Curtis house. She doesn't live too far from them and is there quite often.
I walked out of her house then down the two blocks that separated their houses. I went through the gate then through the rusty door. "where's Hannah?" I ask.
"Hello to you too." Ponyboy said. Man is he getting aggressive.
"I asked where is Hannah?" Ignoring what he even said.
"She went out with soda and Steve and maybe Caitlin and sandy." Ponyboy said.
"Where?" I ask once again.
"The dingo?" Darry said looking up from his newspaper.
"No it was the-" pony got cut off by Hannah running through the door. She seemed light headed and out of breath. Next thing I know I was catching her as she started to fall. "Hannah are you okay!" I yell. Her eyes start to shut. "Hannah wake up!" I yell. "Darry she fainted!"
"Put her on the couch I'll get a blanket and some ice." He instructed. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the couch. I put her head on my lap and he legs across the couch.
Darry came back with ice and blankets. He put the ice on her forehead and then covered her with a blanket. "Is she going to be okay?" I ask looking at her body lie on the couch.
"She should be just fine maybe she was just stressed or something. Did you get out of the cooler early Dally?" He asked me.
"Yea good behavior or whatever" I rolled my eyes. "Where is everyone?" I ask only seeing myself Hannah and Darry.
"Johnny went to sleep upstairs for a little his parents got him pretty good this time so I cleaned him up then he went in the guest room. Ponyboy went to his room I believe. Who knows where two bit is. And Caitlin Steve and soda went out with sandy." He said sitting back in his chair.
"Oh okay. Is that where Hannah was?" I ask.
"Yea but I don't know why she's here this early." He looked up at the clock. "Why were ya looking for her."
"I was supposed to take her outta town but I got hauled in. Figured maybe we could've left tonight." I played with her hair.
"Do you love her?" He asked cutting straight to the point.
"I don't love anyone." I kept my cool.
"Dally it's just me." He said knowing I was lying.
"Yea man I love her." I looked at her as she laid there so peacefully. She was wrapped around in a fuzzy blanket as her head laid on my leg.
"Why don't you tell her that?" He asked.
"I mean she told me and I tried. The first time I completely lashed out and then after that I tried finding her to tell her I love her but I just couldn't find how." I rubbed my thumb against her shoulder.
"Just day I love you." He looked at me.
"Wh-what happened?" I heard Hannah day then I felt something shift.
"Hannah sweetie just relax. You passed out." I gently laid her back down the kissed her forehead.
"Look at you being soft." She laughed.
"Oh shut up and let me take care of you." I laughed back at her.

I woke up extremely confused. I found myself on someone's lap. Dallys lap. "Wh-What happened?" I asked getting up from his lap.
"Hannah sweetie just relax. You passed out." Dolly moved me back to his lap. No complaints. Then he kissed my forehead. Man I love him.
"Look at you being soft." I mocked.
"Oh shut up and let me take care of you." He joked around.
"Hey Darry." I smiled.
"Hey Hannah. I'm going to go up to my room real quick I'll be back." I seen him wink. What's that about?
"Hey cutie." Dally smirked at me.
"Hey hottie." I pulled his head down a bit and mine up then connected our lips.
"Hannah I have something to tell you." He said nervously.
"What? What is it?" I grew nervous.
"I wanted to say this awhile ago and I've been meaning to say it I l-lov-lov- I love you!" He exclaimed.
"I love you too!" I grabbed the back of his neck and connected our lips again. This time a little more heated up. It probably would've went further if we weren't one on Darry's couch or two Darry wasn't in the next room.
"I'm back!" Darry yelled.
"We missed ya Darry." I laughed leaning my face away from dallys.
"You guys want food?" He asked.
"That's why we missed you." Dally laughed.

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