Chapter 7: Location, Location

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"Dally what are you doing with her?" Sylvia  (picture of what I think Sylvia looks like above) yelled as rammed through the door.
      "I think the question is what are you doing here ya two timing broad?" He huffed standing up in front of me.
      " I know you left me for her." She looked past him at me.
      "I left cause ya cheated Sylvia. I'm not even with Hannah." He said which kind of broke my heart. I know we aren't together but part of me believed he would've lied.
"Dally I changed though." She softened her eyes. "I changed for you." She grinned.
Dally turned around to face me, "Hannah can you stop by later I have to deal with some things."
"Whatever Dallas." I said frustrated and got up. On my way I out I made sure to bump into Sylvia. I went downstairs to see buck at the bar. "One beer." I rolled my eyes.
"Lemme guess she's back." Buck knew I liked Dally and he's always been team Hannah and definitely against team Sylvia.
"Yea and I'm pretty sure she's got a good way of getting in his pants." He handed me the beer and I started to down it.
"Easy Hannah you don't want this to end up like the first time Dal brought that chick back here." He raised his eyebrows.
      "Wait what happened last time?" I truly forgot.
      "Han don't you remember getting hauled in and had to come bail you out." I widened my eyes.
      "What the hell did I do?" I ask laughing at myself not even knowing I went to jail for the sixth time.
      "You attempted to steal someone's car." He chuckled.
      "Yea maybe one beer is enough for today." I took my last sip then handed it back. "I'm heading out Buck see ya!" I said enthusiastically.
      "See ya Han!" He yelled back.

I was walking in no certain direction. I didn't really want to go in any direction. I wanted my feet to guide me. My home wasn't a good place for me at the moment. The Curtis house has Steve and I can't face him right now without breaking down. Caitlin isn't around. And Dally, Dally betrayed me without even knowing it. He now knows I hate her.
I guess my feet led me in the direction of the Curtis house. I stopped in front of their house and seen how happy steve was. My eyes started to water. I guess everyone really does have a breaking point and I guess I found mine. I never thought It'd be over my parents nor Dally. Cause although as much as I wanted to blame this all on my family Dally had a big part and he doesn't even know it.
I began to walk again. I made random turns at random times and just went anywhere with no fear of being missed. My dad and Dally are clearly occupied. Steve has the gang. And sadly Caitlin does have other friends. I do too but I can't let them see me like this. They think I'm tough.
I landed upon another location. The park. Dally and I use to come here a lot and he'd chase me around then I would sneak attack him. Then I found myself walking to the monkey bars. Dally once gave me a necklace that he stole up there. It had an h for Hannah cause it reminded him of me. I still have the necklace on. I never take it off. I mean why would I. I lifted out of my shirt and stared at it. He didn't do anything wrong he went back with his ex girlfriend. I never even told him how I felt. And I had so many opportunities. I can no longer blame dally. I must blame myself.
I looked at the monkey bars and kicked them with tears falling down my face "why don't you like me too!" I yelled. People always told me he liked me only raising my hopes higher and higher building my confidence. I talk to him more and that makes me like him more.
I walked away hoping to get out of the familiar places. I walked with my head down so maybe I wouldn't choose where I wanted to go. Wherever I went next was fate. It was where I was meant to be. I walked around this circular road. I went down a couple of blocks then turned. I went down a past in the forest and I for sure thought I wouldn't end up anywhere I knew. After I made it out of the short forest. I went down a couple of streets and pulled up to an extremely familiar rectangle building. How did I happen to end up here.
I walked up to the building. It was fate right? I barged in. And I didn't like what I seen. Why would I?

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