Chapter 29: Defense

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I changed into a small black top and a mini checkered skirt. I put on my black boots then threw my hair into messy space buns and left the bright red makeup on from earlier. I wanted to get drunk tonight!
I walked down the stairs as my heels made a noise Caitlin and Steve focused their attention on me. I peaked my head around the corner and I did not want to see what I saw. Dallas was waiting on the couch to pick me up which I loved but soda was sitting on the other giving him a glare. And just when I thought it couldn't get worse I heard the doorbell ring.
"I'll get it." I mumbled to the four people sitting in the living room. I walked up to the door and peaked through the window and seen the very recognizable brown hair blowing slightly with the wind. I turned wide eyed and put my back to the door.
"Who is it?" Dally asked looking at me.
"No one." My voice cracked nervously. He stood up defensively hearing the tone of my voice and came over to me.
"Who is it?" He repeated.
"Jake." I looked up at him.
"Who the hell is jake? Did he hurt you? I swear I'll kill him." He already tried to push past me to answer the door.
"He did nothing." I lied.
"It doesn't sound like nothing now tell me!" He put his hands lightly on my shoulders.
"He uh- tried to kiss me. Said I should be with him. And the other n-night he tried to k-ki-kill me." I looked away from him.
"Oh baby come here." He grabbed the back of my head and leaned me into his chest. The doorbell rang again. "Let me deal with him you, you go sit in your room or something. Steve and Caitlin go up there with her." He demanded us. He kissed my forehead then lightly pushed me to the stairs.

Dallys p.o.v-
I opened the door furious "what do you want?" I yell.
"Finally. Where's Hannah?" He started to look behind me.
"Not here." I rolled my eyes.
"Well who are you?" He asked me.
"Dallas Winston you fool." I chuckled.
"Yea yea I know that but how do you know Hannah?" He asked looking behind me again.
"Ya know hannah has quite the reputation herself." I bragged about her.
"Well obviously. But why are you in her house?" He demanded to know.
"Hannah's my girlfriend." I stood up straight now so I was towering over him.
"Really she actually likes someone like you?" He chuckled then looked at me and stepped back.
"She does actually. So if you think you can get with her your going to have to rethink that." I smirked. "Now back up buddy and go home before I make you." He started to back up more.
      "Fine I'll go buy you can't keep watch over her forever." He mumbled before he ran away. Fool.
      I closed and locked the door. That creep might try to sneak in. I walked up the stairs and seen Hannah alone in her room. "Where'd they go?" I ask confused.
      "Caitlin left since she had to go home and I believe Steve's in the bathroom." She slightly smiled.
      "Did she go out the window?" I ask sitting on her bed.
      "Well obviously." She laughed. God she's beautiful.

      Hannah's p.o.v-
      Dally wrapped his arms around me. God he's hot. He started to kiss my neck. Things started to get heated when he tried to pull off my skirt. Then Steve walked in, "where Caitlin g- holy crap!" He yelled.
      Dally backed away angry, "what do you want?"
     "I wanted to know where Caitlin went but ya know never mind." He walked out of the door. I started to break down laughing.
     "What's so funny?" He huffed.
     "Did you see his face when he walked in?" I was wheezing from laughter.
     "That was pretty funny." He smiled.
     "Are we going to the party?" I asked as sweet as possible as I kissed him.
     "Come on." He grabbed my hand and led me out of my house.
       We got to bucks and Dally and I went to the bar and said hi to buck. "Hey kid." He waved to me.
       "Hello Bucky." I giggled. Dally ordered us some drinks and one got slid down to me as I sat down.
       "Hey Dallas." He shook his hand How guys typically do.
       "Hey buck." He replied.
       "How've you guys been?" He leaned against the bar.
       "We're doing fine." Dally wrapped his arm around me and sat besides me.
       "Has he screwed up again?" Buck as me and I just laughed. I watched Dallys arm that wasn't around me lightly hit Buck on his arm.
      "He's been a little angel. Well as much as a devil can be an angel." I laughed at my own joke even though it really isn't that funny.
      "Well y'all have fun I have a waitress I need to fire." He waved to us goodbye and we watched him angrily stomp to a girl with an apron tied neatly around her waist. He started to make angry gestures at her then pointed to the door. She threw the apron on the floor and ran out crying. Wow.
      "Can you dance with me?" I face towards Dally.   
      "Um no." He laughed.
      "I'm serious come dance with me." I gave him puppy dog eyes which happened to always work.
      "Just because you're hot." He chuckled and hesitantly got up.
      "Why thank you." I smiled as I led him to the area with crowds of people dancing. He put his hands tightly around my waist and I placed mine around his neck. He slowly started to sway me. I leaned my head closer into his chest and closed my eyes. I felt a gentle kiss upon the top of my forehead. We continued to gently dance into the night.

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