Chapter 38: Stressed Out

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    After such a long trip even though it was only three days we decided now would be a good time to head home. Caitlin is still the only one that knows dally and I got married. We decided we would get a divorce when we got back we wanted our vacation to be fun.
     When we got home I took off my clothes and instantly changed into comfy clothes. I changed into a white fleece top with bright red shorts. (Picture above) I laid in my bed dramatically after Being in the car for seventeen hours.
     I would've fallen asleep if I didn't hear a knock at my window. I was super confused considering I have a two story house. So someone either had be throwing something to we're reaching from the tree. I rolled out of bed groaning that I didn't want to get up. I opened the window and seen Dally on the ground with a stick. "Can I come in?" He asked.
     "What a dork. Come in." I plop back onto my bed knowing Dally can take care of himself. I seen him shimmy in my window the close it lightly. He walked over to my door and locked it. "Dally I'm not in the mood."
      "I'm not either I just want I lay with you without Steve bothering us. He still thinks we're just friends right?" He asked.
      "Yes he doesn't know we're dating or that we got married." I rolled my eyes. He laid down beside me pulling me closer to him.
     "We can go down to the court house today if you want." He suggested stroking his thumb along my back.
      "Fine but I'm taking a nap before so shut before I make you." I demanded.
      "I think you should make me." He licked his lips looking at me. I grabbed his chin and pressed my lips against his. He grabbed the back of my head pulling me further into the kiss. I pulled away, "now shut up so I can sleep."
      "You really just-" he stopped when I put my finger to his mouth.
       "I said shut up, so shut up before i kick you out." I shoved my head back down and laid it in the crook of his neck so his head laid lightly on top of mine. He grabbed a blanket from off my floor and thrown it over us.

       When we woke up I got up and put on some clothes. I wanted to be fairly dressed nice considering we're going to court. "Hey ever you heard from that diner to see if you got the job?" Dally asked fixing his hair.
      "No I think the one waitress screwed it over for me. Ya know the one I beat up in ninth grade." I laughed as I shuffled through my closet.  I threw on a tan skirt and a white shirt that looked fairly nice. I threw my hair into cute curly ponytails and threw on nice heels. (Picture above).
     "Wow you look, beautiful." He stared at me up and down with his jaw practically touching the floor.
      "Why thank you." I smiled sweetly. "Now let's go idiot."
      "Are you going downstairs where your brother is?" He chuckled lightly and I knew where this was leading.
      "I guess I can't he'd question me." I sighed.
      "I guess we hav to use the window." He smirked knowing I was wearing a skirt.
      "Why don't I go first." I laughed knowing That's not what he wanted. I climb out the window then down the tree as Dally follows behind me. "This will be my last day be mrs.winston." I frown.
        "You never changed your last name." He chuckled.
       "Okay my last day being a Mrs." We hopped in his car as he drove us down to the courthouse.

        Once we go their we walked to the little desk that had a clear wall up with a tiny hole so we could speak to the lady. "Hello I'm Mrs. Randle and this is Mr.Winston and we needed to file a divorce" I tell the lady at the front desk.
       "Okay we will have a private judge speak to you shortly." The lady at the front desk shuffled through some paperwork. We walked to sit down but as soon as we sat our names were being called.
       We walked to the back and followed the lady to a room. "Hello I'm judge Cameron what makes you want to file a divorce." He asked as we sat on two chairs on the opposite side of the desk from him.
       "Well we got married impulsively in Las Vegas. We don't really know what we were thinking but we wanted a divorce." I tell the judge leaving out the part of drinking under the influence.
       "You guys are only sixteen and seventeen did you happen to have a parent sign out on your marriage?" He asked as he looked up at us.
       "No sir." I tell him starting to get married.
       "Technically that is illegal but since you guys happened to get married you may file for a divorce if needed. There are some papers to fill out and fees taht goes along with it." He informed us.
       "Fees?" Dallys eyes went wide.
       "Why yes depending on the situation getting a divorce can vary from 15,000 dollars to 35,000." He took off his glasses.
       "May we have a moment in private?" I asked kindly.
       "Yes I will be back in five minutes." He got up from his chair and went out of the room.
       "We can't afford that and we sure as hell cant get money from my parents what are we going to do?" I ask nervously.
       "Why don't we start working and we save up money and eventually we can afford it." He seemed just as stressed as me.
       "So we're going to stay married for longer now?" I ask.
       "It's what we have to do hannah." The nudge walked back in making the time not seem like five minutes and we told him our final decision. He let us go and dally and I probably couldn't be more stressed.

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