Chapter 8: Raindrops

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   I walked up to the building. It was fate right? I barged in. And I didn't like what I seen. Why would I? I seen Dally on the stool at bucks as he was swapping spit with you guessed it Sylvia.
    I couldn't help what I was doing. I had no control anymore. My body did whatever it wanted I was just living in it. I went up to the two and I pushed them apart. After I pushed them far enough I punched Sylvia in her big nose.
     "Hannah! What was that for!" Dally yelled.
      I shrugged and pushed past them, "I don't know Dallas I felt like it." I flipped them off then went up to the lady bartender at bucks. "Get whatever your strongest drink is." I say rolling my eyes.
      "Okay here ya go." She slides it over to me then I pick up the drink and chugged it. Buck walked over to me seeing me order another drink.
      "Hannah you can't drink too many of those you'll be wasted before ya even know it hit ya." He says patting my back.
      "Oh well I could care less. Give me another." I said already finishing off my drink.
     "Okay then." The lady said.
     I had four of whatever she gave me and quite honestly couldn't feel better. I don't care anymore. It's time to party. I started to dance out in the middle of the floor where I seen a few other dancers. When dally came up to me, "you know you broke her nose." He said pulling me away.
     "I could care less." I simply roll my eyes and smile.
     "What's with you Hannah? Your acting like some new person." He had a mellow face.
      "I am a new person. So bite me!" I yell gaining some attention.
      "Quiet down. Since when do you talk like that?" He asked a little frustrated.
      "Since I don't give a shit anymore." I laugh. I was about to go back and party.
      "Um yea no your going upstairs and your going to bed." He looked blankly at me.
      "Oh no I couldn't do that I know your beds going to be fully occupied tonight. I think I'm just going to party some more then maybe head home." I shrug.
       "No that's not happening I'll walk you home now." He started to grab onto me.
      "I'm sure your little girlfriend wouldn't like that would she?" I say turning to look at Sylvia.
      "Why would she mind?" He says.
      "Oh so she is your girlfriend?" I ask.
      "Yea I guess." He smirked.
      "Yea well then I'm leaving." I walked out without giving him a chance to say anything. I walked out the front door and I felt myself getting teary eyed.
      "Hannah!" Dally yelled.
      "What the hell do you want?" I yelled with tears streaming down my face. Crap! I can't keep crying I'm ruining my rep.
      "Hannah why do you keep running?" He yells out of breathe.
      "Why do you keep going back to Sylvia?" I ask as I wipe my tears and turn around.
      "Why do you seem so hurt by that?"He asked getting closer.
      "I can't say." I look down.
      "You could." He lifted my chin up.
      "Dally I I- like you. I like you okay! I understand you have a girlfriend now but it pains me okay! I know you most definitely don't like me and that's cool it's whatever! But don't think I'm not going to be hurt. I've kept my straight face for so long and now he'll broke lose. So is that what you wanted?" I yelled.
       "Hannah I can't just break this off for you." He looked back at the bar.
       "If you truly cared you would but whatever stay with the same cheater you've always had some fond liking for." I yell in his face.
       "Hannah-" he calmly said before I walked away.
       "Have fun with the slut!" I flipped him off then walked away knowing exactly where I was going this time. I walked down the cold pouring rain as slow as possible.
      I finally reached the Curtis house and walked inside just standing in the front. "Hannah are you okay!" Steve asked getting up and coming to me.
      "I'm fine." I say as a tear falls down my face.
      "Oh come here." He says as he pulls me into a warm much needed hug. "Now what's wrong?" He asked pulling away a bit to see my face.
       "It's mom it's dad it's the waitress it's d- da- never mind." I say putting my head in his shoulder.
       "What's wring with mom and dad?" He asked in a serious tone.
       "Dad cheated." I broke away from his hug and stumbled a bit as I walked into the kitchen.
       "Hannah are you drunk?" He asked.
       "Definitely." I laughed grabbing some cake. "Yea definitely drunk." I smile eating the cake.

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