Chapter 12: Story Time

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As I walked into the house further I seen my dad crying. I didn't want him to see me in a dress this late so I passed quietly and walked upstairs. I quickly threw on a shirt some shorts and pit my hair in a messy bun (picture above✌🏻). I walked back downstairs pretending to have just woken up. "Dad?" I questioned. He shot around and looked at me.
"What are you doing up Hannah." He turned around on the couch.
"Um I needed water." I lied.
"Well come sit." He waves his hand towards him. I went and sat on the cushion next to him.
"What's wrong dad?" I asked with a concerned smile.
"Your mom wants a divorce." He looked at his feet as he played with the ring on his finger.
"How come?" I asked wondering if she found out he cheated.
"Well Hannah I was really drunk and I uh cheated." He told me.
"Were you?" I ask.
"Was I What?" He asked confused.
"Were you actually drunk?" I ask once again.
"Yes Hannah I love your mom." He let a tear fall slowly down his cheek.
"Fight for her. Don't just sit around and let her control you you have to stand up for yourself." I exclaim standing up.
"I will! We've been married for twenty years I can't just let it all fall down the drain." He said.
"No! Now get some sleep cause your fighting for this tomorrow." I smiled as I began to walk upstairs.
"What about your water?" My dad asked.
"I don't need water anymore." I ran up the stairs avoiding anymore questions.
     I went in my room and looked at the circle clock hanging on my wall that reads 2:30. I decided I would attempt to call Caitlin and if she answers I'll tell her about my date.
*ring* *ring* it's only 2:30 why won't she pick up! I guess I'll just call her again. *ring* *ring* ugh fine I guess she's sleeping. I'll just go to her house and wake her up then. She's the one who wanted to know about this as soon as I got home. I hung up the phone and walked over to the window I've snuck out millions of times before. I made it to her house fine without getting attacked I mean who besides me is out at this time?
I searched for her window before entering the gate then I seen lights on in the living room. I entered normally through the gate and walked up to their front door. I quietly entered knowing people are sleeping. I seen soda and Steve watching some. They clearly must've not heard me enter or Steve would've greeted me. I walked up a further. "Oh hey Hannah. What time is it?" Soda asked attempting to look at the clock located In the kitchen.
"2:30." I coughed trying to hide what I said
"A.m!" Steve jumped up from his spot on the couch.
"Yeah what's the matter?" I asked like I wasn't just freaking out.
"Did you just get back from your date?" He sounded scared. Not from being out late but he knows my reputation and more importantly, dallys.
"Well not entirely I stopped at home to change then I talked to dad." I smiled.
"Was he not mad?" Steve asked surprised.
"He didn't knwo I was just coming home cause I changed before talking to him." I grew less nervous.
"So I hate to interrupt but are you not going to tell us what happened." Soda asked.
"Just let me go get Caitlin." Soda said causing me to stop.
"Where the hell is she she's never here!" I whined.
"I don't knwo some girl named Lucy." Soda said.
"I've never heard of a Lucy." I said confused at the name. What are you up to Caitlin? "Fine I guess I'll tell you." I sighed sitting down.
      "Tell us everything!" Soda exclaimed like a girl.
      "Everything?" I nervously asked.
      "Fine. Hannah I'm your cool brother tell me whatever I'm sure I've been in the same situation." He laughed. "And we're twins just tell me."
       I told them everything. Everything. I looked towards Steve's face and he looked a tad disgusted. "Come on Steve we seen this coming." I heard soda whisper.
      "I swear if he mistreats you-" I cut him off.
      "I'll give him a broken nose don't worry kind of my specialty." I grinned.
      "What do you even mean?" Soda laughed.
      "Well I broke two peoples nose so far." I shrugged.
       "Wait hold up who?" Soda smiled like he was excited to hear the gossip. Such a girl.
       "Um for starters Sarah." I smiled nervously.
       "I thought you two were friends." Steve said.
      "I don't know I was drunk and she started to brag about kissing Dally." I rolled my eyes.
      "Oh. Well who was the other?" Soda asked shocked.
      "Um Sylvia." I said.
      "I'm not surprised." Soda laughed.
      "Was there a reason?" Steve asked.
      "She was all over Dally." I frowned.
      "Were you guys together?" Steve asked like he was some cop.
      "Well no." I slightly giggled at how stupid I felt.
      "You have anger issues." Soda laughed.
      "I know but don't make me break your nose too." I joined in on his laughter.
       Steve started to laugh to but then the door opened. "Caitlin?" Soda asked.
       "Crap." She said under her breath.
       "I thought you were at Lucy's." He said walking over to her.
       "She um threw up so I came home." She obviously lied.
       "Oh well you must be tired." Soda said completely oblivious.
      "I'm sure you are." I winked at her thinking I know where she's been. 
      "Aw Hannah why don't you come sleepover." She grinned. I instantly knew she had to tell me something so I followed her upstairs expecting juicy gossip.

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