Chapter 6: Cheater

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     The next day-
     I woke up and regretted getting up. I walked downstairs half asleep and heard people kissing. At first I thought it was Steve and Evie until I heard the girl say my dads name. I wouldn't have been so worried if my mom wasn't at work. I turned into the living room and seen my dad and some random lady who I think is a waitress down at the dingo. "Dad!" I exclaimed as they instantly separated.
     "Hannah I didn't know you were home. Steve went to sodas an hour ago." He got up and began to walk towards me. I ran upstairs not wanting to talk to him. I walked over to my vanity and just sat there. I actually let a few tears fall before I wiped them away tried to focus myself off of crying. But I couldn't help it. My family has always had issues but I never thought my dad someone who's promised his love to my mom would go and cheat on her like shes some test.
      I needed to call Caitlin I just needed to. I ran over to my phone and dialed her number. After a couple rings it stopped. She didn't pick up. I called the Curtis house and I heard the phone get picked up, "this is Darrel Curtis what May this be referring too?" I laughed at how dumb he sounded.
     "Hey Darry is caitlin home?" I ask impatiently.
      "No uh she went out with some friends early this morning she'll be back later. What do you need Hannah?" Darry asked kindly. Darry's always been a sort of parent figure. He's helped me with homework when I was in school he does a lot.
      "Um not much it can wait. I might be over later tell steve I say hi um is Dally there?" I ask.
      "He hasn't stopped by yet. Are you sure your okay Hannah." Darry asked.
     "I'm fine really." I lie as tears fall from my eyes. "Bye Darry Thanks."
     "Bye Hannah." He hangs up the phone.
     I quickly walked I threw on a long sleeve shirt I stole from my dad a pair jean shorts I grabbed my maroon converse and threw my hair up into a messy bun (picture above).

      I ran to dallys. And when most people say they ran somewhere they mean they walked as fast as they could. No. I ran there. I wanted to see him as fast as possible.
     As I approached Bucks I slowed down into a walk and walked up to his door. I knocked on the door waiting for buck to answer. I hid my face a little to hide my tear stains from Buck. "Hannah!" He yelled as he hugged me. I was pretty close to buck I mean I'm always here.
     "Buck!" I smiled as I hugged him back. "Hey is uh dally here?" I ask.
     "Yeah you know the room." He patted my back and led me in the direction of his room. I nodded.
       I walked up the stairs making my way to dallys room. I went down the hallway and went to the third room. I know how Dally is so knocked before even thinking about entering. "Who's even here." He attempted to say under his breathe. He came to the door and opened it angrily until he seen my face, "who the hell did this to you!" He yelled pulling me into his room.
     "My dad cheated. He cheated on my mom I caught him this morning." I tell him right away as I go to sit on his bed.
     "He's an idiot." Dally huffed. "I don't think I've ever seen you cry." He sounded surprised.
     "I don't like to let my guard down." I hide my face.
      "You don't have to hide in front of me Hannah I won't judge you." He came and sat beside me.
      "Why do people cheat?" I ask looking down at my shoes.
      "I couldn't tell you." He sounded frustrated.
      "What's up?" I turned to face him.
      "Sylvia cheated on me. That's the real reason I broke up with her." He played with his dog tags.
       "Why didn't you tell me?" I played with my bracelet Steve got me awhile ago.
       "I thought you two were friends and I don't know I just didn't want you to have to hate her cause of me." He sighed.
       "Trust me I've always hated her you didn't have anything to do with it I just pretended I like her for your sake." I sighed as well.
      "So I'm assuming you wouldn't want me to beat up your dad." He laughed going back to the first topic.
      "It'd be nice if you didn't." I shrugged laughing as well.
      "There's the Hannah laugh I enjoy to hear." He smiled.
      "There's the Dally smile I rarely see." I laugh again.
      "Your lucky I even smile around an idiot like you." He laughed.
      "Your lucky I spend time around a loser like you." I smiled at him. "Hey Dally?" I sort of ask.
      "Yes Hannah?" He replied.
      "Last night you were asking me about Sarah. What were you asking?" I asked.
      "She said something about how you called her a bitch. Why'd you call her a bitch?" He smirked like he already knew the answer.
       "Did she tell you what we were talking about before?" I asked confused.
       "Uh-huh." He smirked.
       "What'd she say then?" I asked with a grin.
       "I don't know but I think someone has a jealousy issue." He smirked.
       "Sorry your like my best friend." I sort of lied I really did want him to be more.
      "You sure you don't want more?" He asked sounding intrigued for an answer.
      "Would you want more is the question?" I ask trying not to embarrass myself.
      "I mean I w-" Dally was cut off by the slam of his door hitting his wall. Then we seen her enter.
      "Dally what are you doing with her?"

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