Chapter 27: The Dingo

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    The past three days have been living hell. It's been me Dally and Steve against the Curtis family. Although Caitlin is on my side she's against Steve so that places her on the other side. Johnny and two-but have been scared to stop by to see anyone but they still like to visit. Yesterday morning I was walking along the streets and went to the dx since it was their day off. But when I went in the store they said they couldn't let me buy anything under sodas orders.
     Well if that's how this will work I'm going to apply to the dingo. They go there almost every night but not anymore. Not to mention that's the only diner walking distance to their house the rest are thirty minutes by car and well Darry doesn't like to drive that much.
      I got up and got dressed for a big day. I put on a red checkered dress with white converse. I put on pretty red sunglasses cause you got to dress to impress. After finishing getting ready I walked out my door.
      I walked all the way to the diner by my lonesome and once I walked in a heard a ring of the bell whenever somebody enter. A waitresses eyes landed upon me then spoke, "How May I help you."
      "Where do I apply to be a waitress?" I ask sweetly.
      "Your Hannah randle right?" She said.
      "Yea so where do I apply?" I ask with a chuckle.
      "Here's a piece of paper I'll make sure the boss looks at it soon so you can get a job here!" She exclaimed.
     "Thanks I appreciate it." I lied. I want a job here just not that badly.
      "Here you go." She handed me a piece of paper that had multiple question on it. Sounds like a lot of work. I walked over to an empty booth and silently filled it out. Shockingly they didn't ask too many questions I thought it'd be more professional. As I was completing the couple questions seen movement in front of me. I glanced up to see Dally in the other end of the booth. "Hey baby girl." He smirked.
     "Hey Dally what are you doing here?" I ask looking back down at the paper and continued to fill it out.
      "Well i can't really hang out with anyone else so I tried to find you then I got hungry then I found you so win win." He smirked as he waved the waitress over. The same girl who helped me made her way over.
      "How May I help you?" She asked sweetly as she pulled out her note pad.
      "Two burgers and fries." He said and I smiled knowing he most likely thought about me or he's just really hungry.
       "Are you done Hannah?" The girl asked me.
      "Yea here you go." I grabbed the paper and brought it up to her.
       "See ya." She waved then walked away.
       "What's up her ass?" Dally chuckled.
       "I don't know man she seems so obsessed with me." I look behind me to see her placing our order.
       "We need revenge." Dally said making my attention go back to him. Just what he wants.
      "Why do you think I'm getting a job here?" I emphasized the word here.
"We need bigger revenge." He stated.
"What do you have in mind?" I laugh thinking about how childish this is. Why are we even fighting? Yea Dally got sandy pregnant and she cheated but she cheated Dally is just dally. Caitlin and Steve never made anything official. That's all the feud is.
      "I don't know." He shrugged.
      "There's really nothing we can do." I roll my eyes.
       Our food came out and we've been dead silent. Neither of us can say anything since we've been thinking this whole twenty minutes. We want revenge but nothing that's too effective. Their still and will always be our friends. Why can't we treat each other like that then? "Why don't we just try and make up with them?" I suggest while shoving my mouth with fries.
      "Why don't we do that after our date at the drive in tonight?" He suggested.
      "We have a date?" I ask.
      "We Do now." He quickly finishes his food. "Meet me at the drive in at six." He winked then placed ten dollars on the table then walked away.

      I got to my house and decided I would change my appearance fro the movie tonight. I changed into a white clearly see through top then put on a dark under shirt. I threw on a red skirt. I looked at myself in the mirror. Wow did I look cute.
     It was already five thirty and I figured I'd get to the movies early. I slowly walked out of my house and to the drive-in. I walked along the path which takes people to the lake. It was always so peaceful. Nobody walked over here. Ever since I was young I would come here and just skip rocks and connect with myself. I could really use that these days. Well I have time to kill.
     I walk up to the lake and gently sit besides the big stone. I grab the nearest rock and lightly skip across the water. One. Two. Three. Then sink.
     I sit there sinking into myself. Not being able to hear my surroundings. I close my eyes and think about the perfect life.

     In the perfect life I wouldn't be as much of Hannah as I am. Sure I love myself. Mostly. I would change my parents to still love each other. Nobody wants parents who are divorced or who are considering divorce. You grow up to think that you'll find someone they'll be amazing you'll get married and that's that. It's supposed to stay amazing. But that's not reality. What is reality. Getting your dreams crushed because what you want isn't ordinary? It's not the average American dream. Is it failure? How come we are meant to have this amazing life and we say one wrong thing and it's over?
      In the perfect life I'd have a kid or two. I've never said anything about kids before and everyone assumes I hate them. But that's not true. I want kids. Does Dally? God no. He would never. And if people think I'm just assuming he's said it millions of times. I definitely know Dallas Winston does not want kids. Who am I kidding the perfect life doesn't exist.

      I decided to stop my thoughts. The last time I thought like this I almost died. I stood up and headed to the drive in for real this time. I made it there shockingly fast then seen Dally leaned against the fence. He smirked as I walked up, "man your hot." He kissed me very passionately. "After you." He gestured towards the small hole we enter in the fence.
     We made our way to the seats and just to our luck the Curtis family minus Darry was sitting in front of us but we couldn't move. These are our seats. We sit here every time. Dally was talking to me when Ponyboy whipped around and whisper yelled be quiet then seen who we were. "Crap." He whispered.
     "Ponyboy." I smiled. I slapped sodas back. "Soda dally has something he wants to say." I nudged Dally.
      "I didn't mean to hurt you man." He said with having his smile fade away.
      "Is this an apology?" He sounded genuinely surprised. I mean Dally never says sorry.
      "No definitely not I don't apologize just more of an agreement man." He leaned forward so he was leaning against me.
      "I forgive ya Dal. I just can't believe sandy." Soda said.
      "I thought you were siding with me?" Sandy's voice cracked as she appeared from no where. Witch.
      "Sandy-" and with that she was gone.

      "Sandy-" and with that she was gone

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