Chapter 16: Stay

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      I woke up to warm arms wrapped around me. I slightly move and look up too see Dally still sleeping. I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. It raised everyone once and in awhile then went back down to a steady beat. I started to think about if we'd last. Lets be fair probably not. I really like him but neither of us can do commitment. But he's just so wonderful I love him. Wait no I don't I didn't just think that. Did I? Shit.
      I started to hear a small mumble, "princess?" I heard in a very raspy voice. Hot.
      "Yes?" I ask moving my head up from his chest.
      "How long have you been up?" He asked rubbing his eyes.
      "A couple minutes." I smiled. I started to get up from the cozy position to stretch but I got gently pulled back to his embrace.
      "Don't leave." He whispered in my ear.
      "I was just stretching." I laugh cuddling back up to him.
      "Well you can stay here for a little longer." He wrapped his arms tighter around me. "Do you want to hang out with gang today?" He asked repeatedly giving me head kisses.
"Sure I'd love to." I cringed at how soft I sounded. I started to get up and he actually let me this time. "I need to go home and change though." I shrugged.
"I'll drive you just give me a minute." He slowly rose out fo bed then threw on a pair of pants and a shirt.

We got to my house and he walked me upstairs but we got stopped by Steve leaving, "Hey are you two coming over today?"
"Yea I just need to go get dressed." I started to head up the stairs:
"Okay see ya two then." He waved then walked out the door.
"He's way too cool with us dating." I laughed going up the rest of the stairs and into my room. I mean he knew I was at dallys is that not weird to him. I watched Dally go over to my bed then sit on it. He watched me walk over to my closet and pick out an outfit then get dressed. I changed into a yellow tank top with a flannel over top jean shorts then black booties. I walked over to my vanity and selected the makeup I put on. I chose two different eyeshadow shades then a pale lip color.
I got up and looked at Dally sitting on my bed. He was just so hot. I felt myself not able to move I sat there frozen staring at him. My eyes moved from place to place. I started with his eyes. They were so brown and amazing. Looking into them deep into them you can see pain. But if you search deeper you see love. "I love you." I whispered so quietly to myself without even noticing it.
"You what?" He sat there shocked trying to process what I said.
"I didn't say anything." I nervously laughed.
"You did say something you said I- i- I cant even say it Hannah!" He yelled.
"You don't have to say it!" I yelled back.
"You give me everything and all I can give you is well nothing really I could never be a good boyfriend!" He started to walk to the door.
"Dally I don't care If you ever say it but if you stay it'll show you care." I looked back into his eyes but this time you didn't have to search to see pain. You could just tell.
"Hannah I'm not good enough for you." He stood there almost frozen staring at me with such a look of suffering in his eyes.
"I don't care I want you! I don't want any one else I want you!" I yelled.
"I'm just going to screw this up!" He yelled. This is a side of Dally I rarely see. I mean I see him angry at other people but never me. He never raises his voice at me.
"Just stay!" I yell once more.
"Hannah I'm just going to mess this all up!" He yelled back.
"Please." My voice cracked and I felt my heart break slowly as he started to back away.
"Hannah don't make it harder." He whispered.
"Then don't do it." I closed my eyes hoping this was a dream.
"Hannah it's be better if I didn't lead you on just to screw it up." He kept his voice calm.
"Dally id rather have to separate later but have the time we have together now." I leveled my voice to be as calm as his.
"Hannah-" I cut him off.
"Hannah what? Hannah I'm just going to screw this up so I can't stay any longer cause I know you need me so I'm just going to leave like everyone else! Hannah what?" I yelled once again.
"Hannah I'll still be around." He took his eyes off of me.
"No you won't that's not how it works your just going to ignore me slowly and then suddenly barely even acknowledge me. Dally please stay! Please." I finally let a small tear roll down my face.
"Hannah don't cry." He walked up to me and hugged me. "Hannah I'm probably just going to cheat or do something stupid and you'll end up hating me." He told me.
"Well if you leave right now I'll end up hating you too." I pushed away slowly hoping he'd notice how much I truly need him.
"But hannah you need to live your life. I know your going to want kids I'm not going to want that." He looked down.
"Dally that's so far in the future just let us happen while we can and maybe we'll end up somewhere maybe we won't but we just have to find out! That's what being a teen is all about trying your hardest and making mistakes and learning from them! Not just backing away! You can't just give up!" I yell.
"Hannah I can't. Not right now." I seen his body slowly turn around and start to head out the door. "But hannah-"

To be continued🤭

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