Chapter 3: Sneaking In

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I woke up once again with a pounding headache. I rolled over to see a shirtless Dally. I frantically looked down at myself and made sure I was wearing clothes. Thank god I was. Then memories of last night flooded my head. I remember booking up with a bartender, punching some girl, and then I think Dally let me sleep here. I hope I didn't say anything stupid.
I seen his eyes flutter open, "Hannah?" He asked confused.
"Yea?" I nervously asked.
"Are you awake?" He asked me.
"No I'm sleep talking to you right now yes I'm awake." I laughed but then regretted that and held my head in pain once again.
"Okay, um you mind explaining why drunk Hannah punched some random girl?" He asked sitting up.
"I honestly don't know." I lied. Memories of me punching the girl starts to swirl around my brain. I remember a girl named Sarah having a special liking for Dally.
     "Whatever." He rolled his eyes, "you can keep on my clothes but I'm taking you home." He said getting up revealing his shirtless self. Yes I've seen him shirtless before but man is he hot. I noticed I was staring at him so I quickly got up and looked all sorts of ways.
      "I think I'm just going to stay in this." I smiled knowing I'm in his clothes. "Wait steve will know I'm not at the Curtis house and he'll see me come inside." I started to get a little nervous. Yes I'm a party girl and almost all of Tulsa knows but Steve doesn't. Steve's my overprotective brother I try to protect him from well the truth.
      "I'll call Caitlin tell her to tell everyone that you left early in the morning then I'll help you sneak through your window." He looked at me.
      "I can sneak through my window by myself but Steve will see your car and hear your car." I stare blankly at him.
      "Then I guess I'll walk you." He started to head out of the door.
      "I guess that'll work." I smiled to myself.
       The walk to my house was filled with dally and I laughing. He's always been such an amazing friend but man did I want more. I craved more. But I couldn't have more. "And then this one guy threw the pool stick- Hannah are you even paying attention to me?" Dally asked.
        "Um what?" I said extremely confused. I partly heard what he said but not enough.
       "Your such an idiot." He laughed. "I was telling you a story from last night." He looked down at me. There was a huge height difference between us. He was six foot and a i was 5" 5'. That's seven inches. That's more than a half a foot difference.
       "Well your such a loser Winston. But tell me this story this time I'll listen." I smiled.
      "Well this guy and I were playing pool and I hit in the last solid which was my suit he got mad that he was about to lose so he threw his pool stick at me. So I was done so I took his pool stick and slowly inched closer to him till he was at the wall then I forcefully shoved the pool stick on him and told him to fight me some other place and time but not at bucks." He laughed to himself.
       "When are y'all fighting?" I asked feeling a rage of adrenaline.
       "Tomorrow at Seven outside of the dingo. Are you going to come cheer me on?" He smirked at me .
       "Maybe I will." I grin.
       "Well if you do you should wear that tight red skirt I know you own." He winked.
       "Oh would that make you happy?" I laugh.
      "I don't know maybe it will." He smirked as we walked up to my house. He went through the gate first and walked to my window as I followed behind him. "Are you sure you can get in there or do you need a lift." He winked once again.
      "As much as I know you'd love that I can get up there." I rolled my eyes and smiled as I made my way up to my window. Ask for inside I seen Dally down at the bottom looking up at me. "Bye Winston thanks for watching out for me or whatever." I smile.
       "Bye randle. And anytime or whatever." He mocked me as he walked away. I went over to my vanity took off what was left of my makeup the face planted on my bed.

       Once I woke up I sat up slowly then made my way to my phone. I dialed Caitlin's number but she didn't pick up. I then called the Curtis house and just as the last ring was about to end I heard someone pick up, "hello this is Sodapop Curtis how may I help you this morning?" He said so formally.
      "Hey Pepsi cola is your sister around?" I asked.
       "Um ya she's in her room I thought you were with her." He said very confused.
       "I left really early this morning and I just needed to tell her I left and that I'm fine if you could have her call me that'd be great." I lied like a rug.
        "Sure thing. Bye now." He said in his bubbly voice.
        A couple minutes later I heard my phone ring and I instantly picked it up, "hello!" I said excitedly.
       "Hannah?" Caitlin said.
       "Caitlin?" I asked already knowing who was calling.
       "I heard you left but your fine." I heard her laugh over the phone.
       "I did but now tell me how last night went!" I squealed into the phone.
       "Well I seen him again at the theater and asked the girls I was with what his name was and they told me his name was Lucas!" She sounded so happy.
      "That's great! I hope you run into him again. It's Saturday he might be going to the drive in again. We should go!" I almost yell.
       "Oh my God that'd be so much fun. Ya know two girls trying super hard to find this one super hot guy so the one girl can hopefully meet her true love." Caitlin jokingly laughed.
       "Sounds perfect I'll meet you there at five." I smiled.
       "See ya at five!" She squealed.
        I hung up the phone then rushed over to my closet. Sure it was only 12:30 but I wanted to be prepared. I threw on a striped crop top with a dark grey pair of shorts, I only put on eyeshadow and lipgloss then I threw on my black converse as usual.
        I walked downstairs and seen Steve still here. "Hey Stevie What are you doing home?" I ask opening the fridge.
       "I don't know just haven't left yet." He said practically falling asleep on the couch.
       "Did you sleep okay?" I asked looking at him.
       "Not really mom and dad were fighting again." He sounded upset.
       "Will they be okay?" I asked mediocre.
      "Who knows anymore." He started to doze off.
      "Well goodnight steve." I took my food and headed back upstairs worried about my family.

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