Chapter 4: Flirty

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Later that night-
I was walking by myself to the drive-in. I couldn't stop thinking about Dally. I just want him so badly. He makes me feel special. He gives me his clothes and a place to stay and he wouldn't do that for anyone else.
I was snapped out of my gaze when I ran into Caitlin. "Hey Hannah!" She smiled.
"Hey Caitlin you look gorgeous!" I smile looking at her she was wearing a red dress, light makeup and white converse (picture above).
"Thanks! Hey I never got to ask you how the party went." She led me up to talk about what happened last night.
"Well I got drunk with Dally, I hooked up with a bartender, I danced. Hey do you remember Sarah from eighth grade?" I asked.
"Uh yeah why?" She had nervous hint to her tone.
"I'm pretty sure I broke her nose." I slyly said.
"Oh my god Hannah you can just break someone's nose! What for!" She stopped from walking and stared at me.
"I can't help she was bragging about kissing Dally!" I laugh remembering the moment.
"Your not even dating him." She laughed patting me on the back and continuing to walk.
"So? Also Dally lent me some clothes and let me spend the night with him." I mentioned.
"Did anything happen?" She asked knowing how Dally and I both are.
"No but he wants me to wear that tight red skirt to his fight tomorrow." I smirk.
"REALLY? He totally digs you." She smiled at me.
"I don't know maybe." I roll my eyes as we enter the drive in not paying for our seats. So where shall we sit.
"Oh my God that's him!" She points over to a kid with blonde curly hair.
"Well I guess we should sit right behind him." I drag her hand and pull her over to the seat right behind him. I have her get us popcorn then I push her into him lightly so they could start a conversation. She looks over at me blankly confused on what to do.

Caitlin's p.o.v-
Hannah pushes me into Lucas knowing I would have to say something to him, "Uh sorry I didn't mean to run into you." I stutter.
"Hey it's cool we all make mistakes." He smiled a bright movie star smile at me.
"I could buy you popcorn?" I suggest trying to listen to Hannah and an engage some conversation.
"I'll come with you." He got up from his seat as we walked over to the concession stand.
I ordered two popcorns as we talked. "Um I didn't happen to catch your name." I said already knowing his name.
"It's uh Lucas, and you are?" He asked.
"Caitlin." I smile.
"That's a pretty name." He smiled making me blush.
"Thank you. Uh here's your popcorn sorry for bumping into you." I smiled nervously.
"Here's some money I didn't expect you to pay for my popcorn I just wanted to talk to you." He lightly laughed.
"Oh well it was nice talking to you. We should talk again sometime." I look down at my feet trying to avoid being embarrassed.
"Well here's my number. Call me anytime you want." He winked then walked away. Man was he cute. My heart was literally melting and my face was turning into a tomato. I ran back over to Hannah and excitedly whispered to her everything that just occurred.

Hannah's p.o.v-
Caitlin just told me everything that happened and although I'm really happy for her I can't help but have a small hint of sadness. I really want to go after Dally but I don't want to ruin our friendship. And with our reputations it most definitely will ruin our relationship.
"Aren't you excited Hannah!" She whisper yelled to me.
"I couldn't be happier!" I nervously smiled.
We sat in silence for a little bit as Caitlin focused on the movie. I attempted to push past my problems and just watch what was displayed in front of me but the movie just didn't excite me. If a movie doesn't excite me I just can't watch it. I felt someone's legs lay upon my chair and I was about to snap at them until I realized who it was. "Dally what are you doing?" I asked kicking his legs off of my chair.
"Trying to watch a movie." He smirked.
"Hm what's the movie about then?" I asked with a hug grin plastered on my face.
"I couldn't tell ya to busy bugging the doll in front of me." He flirted.
"Oh are you now? What's she like?" I asked hoping for a good answer.
"She's extremely feisty, she's sassy, pretty cute. What is there to know?" He leaned up.
"I don't know." I shrugged.
"So back to what I wanted to say what are you doing here." He asked me.
"Well I was watching a movie but now there's some guy trying to flirt with me." I tell him.
"Oh really now who's this guy I might need to have a word with him." He grinned.
"Well hes got brown hair, brown eyes, tall, kind of hot but I wouldn't know." I smirked.
"So he's hot huh?" He laughed.
"Yeah maybe he is. Why don't you go ask him he's got a big ego too." I laughed.
"How funny." He leaned back in his Chair and placed his feet upon mine once more. I just laughed and continued to "watch" the movie.

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