Chapter 9: Justin

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     I woke up confused. Where am I? This isn't the Curtis house where I fell asleep. As I rubbed out my eyes I started to recognize the furniture neatly organized throughout the room and then the mess of clothes on top of it. I'm in my own room. Steve must've brought me home. I get up and decided to get dressed instantly. I'm going to have a good day no matter what the risks are.
    I found a cute white top and an identical long sleeve to put underneath and matched it with a black skirt and high heel boots. I went extremely dramatic for makeup today and did all around black eyeshadow and a bright blue lipstick. (Picture above). I was going to have some fun today.

     I went and knocked on Steve's door but no answer. I decided I'd start my day by going to the Curtis house. It was an extravagant walk. Just me myself and I. I strolled upon the house and went in as loud as I can. "Hannah!" Steve yelled and brought me into a fight embrace.
     "Hey Stevie why so excited to see me?" I laugh going to the kitchen for a beer.
     "Do you seriously not remember?" Soda asked budding in.
     "Um no I don't otherwise I wouldn't be asking." I grabbed two beers and went to sit on the couch. I kept one for myself and gave the other to two bit.
"Um we don't know much but we know you ran away. We were terrified." Two said.
"Then Dally came in casually and we told him everything and he still wasn't phased for some reason." Soda said.
"Then apparently we found out he was out searching for ya then took ya home." Steve smiled.
"Yea you were wasted last night Hannah." Two said. I sat staring at wall as the three boys were talking to me. Darry was at work. And i have no clue where pony Johnny and Dally are but right now it was just us four.
"So Dally was looking for me?" I ask.
     "That's what he says." Steve says a little harsh.
     "Did something happen between you two?" Two asked.
     "What do you mean?" I ask.
     "He seemed off yesterday." Soda sounded upset.
"Yeah I heard he's dating Sylvia again always thought he would end up with well never mind." Two looked down.
"Who? Who do you think he'd end up with?" I raised my voice.
"Don't worry about it." Steve said like they were all a part of this.
"Who?" I sat up. I heard soda mumble something but I couldn't quite make it out. "Do you want to share that with the group?" I started to get closer to Soda.
"Nothing." He said as he looked away from me.
"What did you say?" I got frustrated.
"I said you Hannah!" He stood up.
Everyone froze in place even me. "I guess we didn't want you to find out through us." Two looked at me.
"Find out what?" I obliviously asked.
"Hannah he has the hots for you." Steve said.
"Wow and your cool with this?" I laughed a little.
"I mean I think you two might end up good together. Plus we all know you like him." Steve said.
"I mean your not wrong but he's with Sylvia. By chance what else do you think you know about me?" I said sassily.
"Hannah we know it all. We know you party alright? We know you drink why can't you just tell us." Steve laughs.
"Your my brother I just don't want you to see me as the person I am." I looked ashamed.
"Hannah it's okay to have fun and I love that about you, you don't care! Although I wish you'd cut back on the all the guys I think you should live your life." Steve said with a genuine smile.
"Thanks Steve. You guys should come party with me. I'm going right after I leave here. Well after I change." I said with a smile.
"I'm in." Two said bouncing out of his seat arising a laughter from all of us.
"Let's us go!" Soda yelled.
"Wooo!" Steve hollered.

We stopped by our house and I quickly went up to my room and took my makeup off and searched for a new outfit. I got out a pinkish two piece that wasn't too revealing and did light eyeshadow. (Picture above).
I walked down and soda and two hollered and Steve slapped them. "I'm ready!" I said walking.

We got to Bucks and I already felt myself get nervous I could feel myself tense and I think everyone else could too. "You have nothing to worry about Han." Two whispered patting my back as we entered. Once we got in we all instantly went to the bar and started drinking away.
I was already drunk. Time to break other people's hearts. I walked over to taller man, "Seem a little lonely mind if I join ya?" I said about to sit down next to him.
"Sure I would enjoy the company." He smiled.
"I'm Hannah." I say.
"Justin." He tells me.
"Do you come here often I feel like I would a remember such a wonderful face." I say brushing my hand against his chest.
"No I'm uh new here. I had to leave." He said.
"I could always cheer you up." I say looking towards the hallway leading to the bathroom.
"What do you have in mind." He says I drag him along with me and we head into the bathroom and instantly start to make out. And well you know the rest.

We came out of the bathroom and he started to talk, "Hey I need to head out why don't I write my number and give you a copy."
"That'd be great." I smiled sweetly grabbing the note he passed me. I watched him slowly walk out of the bar occasionally looking back and as soon as I seen him leave I ripped up the note.
"Hey Hannah where'd you go?" Two said coming up with Steve soda and Dally. I can't believe they found him.
"Around." I smiled.
"Where's the little cheater?" I say with harsh eyes staring at dally.
"I don't know I realized I didn't need her." He said looking me up and down. The other guys left leaving Dally and I alone.

   Okay I know I'm making Hannah seem really harsh about the whole Justin thing but ya know who cares😂 hope you enjoyed
Hannah's outfit

   Okay I know I'm making Hannah seem really harsh about the whole Justin thing but ya know who cares😂 hope you enjoyedHannah's outfit

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