Chapter 13: Gossip

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We walked into the room and I glanced at her and her outfit, it wasn't revealing or anything but it was for Caitlin. (Picture above). As I started to think Lucy sounds a lot like Lucas. I shut her door and sat on her bed, "so what did you and should I say Lucas do tonight?" I ask with a smirk.
      "Oh calm down we didn't do anything we didn't even kiss." She frowned as she walked over to her dresser.
      "Have you even had your first kiss yet?" I laughed as she faked pouting.
      "Yes James Green eighth grade under the bleachers." She laughed as she put her silk pajamas on.
      "Oh my my I'm so sorry. Does he have a girlfriend?" I asked curiously.
      "Your asking a lot of questions. But no. But Jennifer likes him and I swear she thinks she can just claim him." She started to rant.
      "So you were out till like three a.m because?" I ask with a huge smirk knowing Darry would not approve.
      "We just talked and we lost track of time." She smiled as she lied down on her bed as bright red as could be.
      "I already told Steve and soda everything." I smiled as I laid besides her.
      "What do you mean?" She asked.
      "About my date." I laughed.
      "Oh my God I'm such a bad friend I totally forgot." She laughed.
     "It's cool but are you ready for the gossip?" I smiled as she nodded. I then told her everything.
    "Wow that's what you do on first dates?" She asked nervously.
     "That's what Dally and I do on first dates." I laughed at her innocence. "Doesn't mean that you don't have to if your not ready." I smiled sweetly.
      "What if he's ready?" She asked.
      "Say no. I know how strong you can be."

I woke up in Caitlin's bed with her next to me. Memories of dally and I last night flooded through my mind and my heart instantly melted. I sat up then started to walk to the door when I heard Caitlin, "good morning Hannah." Her sweet little tone mentioned.
"Hey Caitlin coming downstairs for breakfast?" I ask grabbing in the door knob.
"Well uh yeah!" She laughed getting up.
We walked down the stairs to see the whole gang there. I seen Dally wink at me as I walked to get my breakfast. I only ate a piece of bacon then decided i would sit down. I walked over to Dally and instantly sat on his lap. I seen out of the corner of my eye him smile. That's when it hit me. Only soda Steve two-bit Caitlin Dally and I know we're dating, leaving Johnny Ponyboy and Darry clueless and thinking this is a little weirder than normal.
"Did anyone happen to mention we were dating?" I laughed loud enough for people in the kitchen to hear. I seen Darry whip around the corner confused.
"No. No one mentioned this." He laughed.
"Well we are." I shrugged leaning closed onto dally laying my head on his chest.
"Congrats we all were waiting for this." Johnny said quietly.
"Thanks Johnnycakes." I smiled. As I sat on dallys lap I decided I needed another piece of bacon. I started to sit up but I got dragged back down. "Excuse me?" I laughed.
"Don't go." He laughed.
"Well are you going to take me to the kitchen to get a piece of bacon?" I asked jokingly.
"I will." He placed me on the cushion next to us and got up. "Get on." He said as he crouched a bit signaling for me to get on his back. I jumped on his bag as he gave me a piggy back ride to the kitchen. I giggled as I picked up a piece of bacon. "Needy." He laughed.
"Your the needy one that wouldn't let me leave your side." I laughed.
"Hey Hannah are you coming with me to the Dx?" Steve asked.
"Do I have to?" I whined.
"No but stop by around one okay?" He suggested.
"Sure I'll bring you guys lunch." I smiled. "Dally take me to the living room." I demanded.
"Will Do Princess." He laughed.

Sorry this is a short chapter. Also sorry I'm not posting as frequently I started school four weeks ago and sometimes I just find time to type. I tried writing it during school since I don't get service but it wasn't working out. So sorry if it takes a bit longer. 🔅Stay gold🔅

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