Chapter 33: Secrets

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One week later-
I woke up next to Dally feeling the breeze on my bare chest. I sprung up nervous. We haven't told anyone that we were back together. They know Dally was sorry but they think we're just friends again. We haven't really started dating it's more of friends with benefits. I got up and gathered my clothes from off the floor and quickly threw them on. I walked over to him and kissed him on his forehead gently.
"Don't go." He whined grabbing my waist.
"I have to I can't have anyone getting suspicious." I tell him leaning forward.
"We could just say you were drunk again." He kissed me.
"Although you are quite convincing I can't Dally you know that." I sit on the edge of the bed next to where he was laying down and stroked his hair.
"Why don't we just date isn't that what you want anyway." He sat up and began kissing my neck.
"Dally if we dated we would just want to kill each other." I backed away from him.
"Not exactly this time could be different." He smirked.
"All you want is to be able to sleep with me and not have to worry about my brother completely murdering you." I giggled.
"You are the only girl I didn't mind if you stayed after we slept together I like waking up next to you. That should mean something." He looked at me.
"Just give it time. Now I have to go home before Steve wakes up." I kiss him quickly then run out of bucks.

Once I got back home since I was already in my pajamas I decided I would pretend to be asleep and maybe actually fall asleep. Until I heard someone walk into my room. I pretended to be asleep as I knew they stood there. "Oh cut the crap hannah I know you just came home." Steve said.
I peeked my head through my covers, "oh really?"
"Yea I came here to get you ten minutes ago. Now Is there a new guy or something." He asked in a way.
"Just a one night stand. Couldn't even tell you his name." Not all of that was a lie technically dally is in a way a one night stand I would never tell his name to steve.
"Oh okay. You coming with me to Darrys?" He asked.
"Yea just let me get ready real quick." I got up and he left my room. I wore a yellow Lacey shirt and a jean skirt. (Picture above). I walked out of my rooms the down the stairs meeting Steve outside. We both seen Dally walking to Darrys house as well. Steve and my house is in the middle of the two destinations and this is the way Dally takes.
"Hey Dal!" Steve shouted knowing we were friends again.
"Hey Stevie! And twin sister randle." He chuckled crossing the street over to us.
"That's a new one." I laughed.
"How ya doing Dal?" Steve playfully ruffled with his hair.
"It's hanging." He tried not to show his little grin.
"Why so happy?" He chuckled knowing Dally is rarely ever happy.
"I uh went to a party out of town uh last night." He lied.
"Oh that's fun meet a girl or something?" He sounded like he knew what was going on.
"It's me of course I did." He smirked. "Nothing serious." He smirked at me when Steve wasn't looking.
"That's great Dally." I smiled.
"Wow I'm shocked at how calm you two are with seeing other people." Steve said with a confused look on his face.
"Well we are just friends." I smirked.
"Okay then." He rolled his eyes and we continued to walk to the Curtis house.
      Once we got in we got the average greeting as two but yelled, "someone please tell me where the cake is I already checked the freezer."
       "Well hello to you too two bit." I chuckled lightly as I made my way to the couch with Dally following closely behind me.
        "Yea yea sorry hello you idiot." He chuckled walking back to the living room.
        "Two bit we didn't make any cake yet we've all been busy." Darry said causing his jaw to drop. I sat on the couch and Dally day on the next cushion close to me.
       "You guys seem to have made up quickly." Soda huffed from the corner of the room with his work shirt halfway buttoned.
       "So what were friends you guys need to stop getting your panties in a twist." I rolled my eyes while dally simply chuckled.
        "Come on Pepsi cola lets go!" Steve hollered as they raced outside the door. I turned my head to face the window to see them jump harshly then patiently wait for Darry to drive off. Ponyboy and Johnny slowly walked out the door probably heading to the park.
        "I guess it's just me and the love birds." Two bit smiled.
        "We're not love birds." I rolled my eyes once again.
        "We're just friends." Dally huffed.
        "Oh please I seen you two at bucks last night at the party I seen y'all walk into Dallys room and now all of the sudden you have  hickey and I know that wasn't there yesterday." Two bit crossed his arms.
        "Okay fine you can't tell anyone." I begged.
        "Not yet at least." Sally rolled his eyes placing his arm over me.
        "Your secret is safe with me." He then zoned out into Mickey letting us do our thing.

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