Chapter 42: I dont love you

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     "You'll be a great father." I smiled.
       "That's stretching it." He laughed setting me down.
"What do you mean father?" Steve asked passing bathroom that had the door wide open.
"I mean in the future duh." I laugh nervously.
"Do you think i was born yesterday? Hannah tell me the truth are you pregnant?" He asked with wide eyes.
"Are you calling me fat?" I said avoiding the subject.
"Hannah answer the question?" He said sternly.
"Yes." I looked down not wanting to face him.
"By you." I'm assuming he pointed to Dally.
"I hope so." He laughed.
"Im so happy for you guys!" He yelled and picked me up and hugged me. "I'm going to be an uncle!" He let go of me and patted dallys back.
"Okay but why are you so happy about this?" I ask looking at him weirdly.
"Because I know you guys are meant for each other. You guys have gone through the thick and thin and look at you guys you're still happily dating." He smiled and just then when he said that I remembered that Dally and I have been married and nobody knows.
"Well about the whole dating thing." I eyed Dally and he knew what was coming. "Technically were married."
"Excuse me since when?" He crosses his arms backing away from us.
"Vegas." I said nervously.
"Why wasn't I invited?" He asked with a chuckle.
"It was a drunken mistake but we decided to keep with it." Dally said wrapping his arm around me.
"Well I guess you have my blessing." He rolled his eyes and laughed. "When are you telling the rest of the gang?"
"I guess right now!" I walked out of the bathroom and seen everyone watching Mickey Mouse. "May I have your attention!" I said but nobody paid attention.
"Everybody shut up and look at us!" Sally yelled causing everyone to look straight towards us.
"I'm pregnant." I say just loud enough for everyone to hear.
Caitlin jumped up shouting, "no way! You guys are having a baby! Dally you are the father right?"
"Why does everyone keep asking that?" He said offended.
"Yes he is definitely the father." I winked at him.
"Are you going to raise the baby at your house hannah or y'all moving out?" He asked already starting to overwhelm me.
"Well we haven't talked About it but I think dally will live in my house for a little with the baby and will move out when we have the money." I look at him for approval.
"I'm already working when we tried to afford a divorce but realized tahts not what we wanted." He said.
Everyone's eyes went wide, "you guys are married." Soda was the most worried. I'm pretty sure he was still hung over me.
"Yes it happened in Vegas when we were drunk." I rolled my eyes.
"Oh shut up you're happy." Dally playfully pushed me.
"Don't push a pregnant women!" I laughed.
"I nudged you I didn't even push you." He rolled his eyes at my comment. I laughed at him as he slowly crossed his arms and stepped away from me.
"Are you guys wanting a girl or a boy?" Caitlin asked curiously.
"I want a boy definitely." Dally said.
"I want a boy too actually." I smiled at dally and his tiny little smile spread across his face.
"I wonder if you guys will have twins just like how you and Steve are." Ponyboy added.
"I really hope not." Dally chuckled.
"Yeah I don't think twins are for us." I chuckled with him. "Are you guys done with questions?"
"No, when did you find out?" Darry asked.
"Today." I say as I get nervous he's going to say something.
"Have you ever thought it could be a false positive." Darry said causing sodas eyes to have a small beam of light.
"Soda May I talk to you outside." I said ignoring Darry completely.

We walked outside and sat on the porch, "why did you want to talk to me?" He asked innocently.
"Do you still like me?" I ask completely skipping any other questions.
"Of course I do what's not to like. You are the perfect girl. You have every quality taht I want hannah I love you." He began to hold my hand but I pulled away.
     "But I'm not the perfect girl I'm married sofa get over yourself there's other girls you can't be hung over someone who's married." I got up and pulled away aggressively.
     "But I love you." His voice cracked like he was ready to cry.
     "You don't love me you love the idea of me." I rolled my eyes and walked inside. "Dally I want to go home will you walk me?" I ask already made at soda.
      "Yea, bye guys see you soon." He grabbed my hand and we walked out of the house as I tried to forget about soda.

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