Chapter 28: Starry Night

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Sandy ran off. We're they over? Who knows anymore. "She was only just going to make you help her with the baby soda. Let her run." I grabbed his shoulder.
"I was going to ask her to marry me and we'd raise the baby as our own. I don't care." He whipped out from my reach and started to run off. I looked at Dally and shrugged but then he ran off. What's with people running from me? I'm nice. Oh wait no I'm not. I looked to where they ran off and seen dally jump on top of soda.
"You don't need her!" He yelled. "You'll find better man stop wasting time." He got up and put his hand out for soda to grab.
"Are you okay Dal? You've been acting nice." He laughed as he started to get up. Dally then dropped him.
"Is that nice enough for you?" He walked away and back over to me. "We need to reschedule this date. Maybe you stop at my place tonight." He put his hands around me having his thumb gently stroke my back.
     "Are you leaving?" I ask.
     "Uh yea. See ya." He sounded rushed.

     "Hey soda." I wave as I start to walk towards him.
"Hey hannah." He smiled.
"You going back to the movie?" I asked.
"No are you?" He replied.
"No why don't we go somewhere." He nodded. We crawled out of the hole in the fence and started to walk.
"Follow me." He instructed as he went slightly in front of me. He lead me far away from the drive in and down a dirty path. It was very quiet as we walked through a forest. I could hear the faint sniffles coming from soda. I looked up at the sky and seen the stars all across the sky. I felt my body run into something and when I looked up and I seen soda. He pointed his head up to the tree then began to climb up it. I took off my heels and followed closely behind him. We got to the top and sat on a branch. "Ya know I come up here a lot." He shed a small tear.
      "It's peaceful up here." I smiled trying to be nice.
      "Ya I know. I don't bring anyone up here." He admitted.
     "Why did you choose me?" I looked up at the shiny stars.
     "You're special to me Hannah." He looked at me.
     "How come I'm just hannah? Wouldn't you bring Caitlin up here or sandy?" I asked two questions.
     "Hannah I know your with dally but I like you." He admits.
     "Well this is awkward." I mumbled. "Soda your just saying that cause you just got out of a relationship. But I love dally." I smile at the thought of him.
      "Yea I know you do! And one day your going to get married have kids and I'll be all alone." He threw his hands in the air. Dramatic.
      "Who said we'll get married or have kids. Sure I love him but nothing with us lasts. Sure I don't want to admit this but there probably isn't a future with him." I looked down at my hands.
      "Then come with me." He practically begged.
      "Soda I love him and I wang to be with him while it lasts." I bring my eyes back to him.
      "When it doesn't work out just know I'm available." He left me in the tree all alone. Just like everyone else. I've had too many people leave. Speaking of people leaving I felt a presence come beside me.
"Hannah baker long time no see." The voice said.
"Are you here to finish what you couldn't earlier." Knowing exactly who it was. Who else could it be?
"Not quite." Jake grinned.
"Then what do you want?" I angrily huff.
"You." He licked his lips.
"I'm taken." I try to jump down since it wasn't a far drop.
"Don't worry about Dally. It's only you and me right here right now." He grabbed my wrists.
"How do you know about dally?" I look in his evil blue eyes.
"Small town five bucks goes a long way." He winked.
"Well you can't bribe me with money." I sass.
"Oh I know I can't but I think I have something in mind that's a little more important." He leaned closer.
"I could never give into you. Not for anything." I turn my head to feel his lips against the back of my head.
"I can save you your life if you glory together with me and ditch that hood." He tried forcing my face back to meet with his.
"Jake this isn't right! You shouldn't force me to be with you! I'm sure their is someone twisted enough to love you. Actually I probably could name a couple!" I yelled.
"Yea but I want you! Your long brown hair makes my heart melt-" I cut him off.
"You disgust me." I tried to jump again but this time he grabbed my shoulders and made me face him.
"Oh well." He started to kiss me. But I pulled away. I slapped him on the face and jumped. He's so disgusting. who is that big of a creep? I walked to my house completely disgusted. I walked in seeing Steve and Caitlin making out.
I cleared my throat, "excuse me?"
"This isn't what it looks like." Caitlin instantly pulled away.
"Looks like your making out with my brother and ditching Lucas who is a perfectly good man." I say.
"Hurtful." Steve said.
"Care to explain?" I laughed.
"Uh- it was just in the moment I guess." She nervously smiled.
"Yeah okay." I laughed. "I'm going to go change then I'll be going to Dallys." I waved as I walked up the stairs. "Also get a room." I laughed.



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